
发布 2020-03-28 10:56:28 阅读 5152

unit 1 how tall are you?(a、c部分)


1、重点掌握四会单词:taller, stronger, older, younger和shorter,以及句型i’m … cm tall. he/she is …cm tall.


2、能够用句型 “you’re taller than your brother. i’m older than you. ”进行年龄和身高的比较。



2、注意长度单位cm 的完整形式centimeter的准确发音。


教师准备录音机,a let’s learn的单词卡片,测量身高和体重的工具。


1、warm up (热身)

教师与学生交流假期生活如:let’s talk about our winter vacation. i had a nice winter vacation.

i did many things. i went to the park and my friend’s house. i watched tv and talked with my friends.

i was very happy. 随后教师询问学生的假期生活,鼓励学生用英语表述,说:how about you?

did you h**e a happy winter vacation? what did you do in your winter vacation? where did you go?

do you like this winter vacation? 学生接着老师的内容或回答老师的提问。

最后,教师接着学生的句子导入新知识。i see, you had a good winter vacation. let me see.

are you taller than before? 同时做表示“高”的动作,并带读taller,taller than before,are you taller than before? 学生会根据老师的动作做出肯定或否定回答。

yes, i am. no, i am not.

2、review (复习)

教师出示测身高与体重的量器,提问学生:how tall are you? how he**y are you?

教师找几个学生测量身高,然后说:he is 150 cm tall. she is 156 cm tall.

…is 160 cm tall.

教师板书句型how tall are you? i’m 150 cm tall. how tall is she?

she is 156 cm tall. 重点带读cm,centimeter。

教师请学生猜:how tall am i? guess!

帮助学生用句型are you … cm tall? 来猜。 教师请出猜中自己身高的学生,帮她/他测量身高,引导学生说:

i’m … cm tall? 然后教师说:… is taller than me.

或i’m taller than …

3、presentation (呈现新知)

教师请班里四名身材较高的学生从矮到高排成一列,教师尽量用手势帮助学生理解以下句子,a is tall. b is taller than a. c is taller than b.

d is taller than c. 然后教师板书并领读tall, taller(er可以用不同颜色书写)。


教师请出三名较强壮的学生模仿健美动作,并做比较说:you are strong. he is stronger than you.


教师指着自己说年龄i am … years old. how old is your mother? how old is your father?

然后教师结合学生家长年龄于自己对比,教学old—older, young—younger。板书后带读单词,加以巩固。

教师**学生用书a let’s learn 部分的录音,学生听录音跟读。教师再次领读几遍后,请学生根据实际情况说句子,比如:i’m taller than ….

i’m stronger than ….等。教师要及时表扬和鼓励表述出色的学生,如:

i’m funnier than you. i’m better than you at english. 等句子。


教师告诉学生即将走入恐龙王国见p3上的图。教师表述:this is the dinosaurs’ world. let’s go.

随后教师指图继续进行询问 look at the picture. please tell me, can you see the dinosaurs? how many dinosaurs can you see?

do you like them? are they tall and big? 教师让学生二人一组观察**并读句子。

教师指图询问how tall is this dinosaur? how tall is that one? is this dinosaur taller than that one?


5、consolidation and extension (扩展活动)


教师**录音。学生完成listen and tick or cross, listen again and write两部分的练习。

7、小结。教师带领学生复习形容词和形容词的比较级形式tall, strong, old, young short,taller, stronger, older, younger和shorter。

告诉学生描述自己和他人身高的句型为:i’m … cm tall. he/she is … cm tall.

强调学生表示比较的句型中应用than,如:you’re taller than your brother. i’m older than you.


unit 1 how tall are you?(i)

tall--taller, i’m … cm tall.

old--older, he / she is …cm tall.

short—shorter, i’m older than you.

strong-- strongeryoung—younger,教学反思;


1、能够听、说、读、写a let’s talk 部分的四会句型及听、说、认读本部分的三会句型。

2、能够理解并根据指令操作group work部分的内容。

3、能够有节奏的说唱let’s chant部分的内容,并鼓励学生自编自写自唱歌谣来进一步巩固所学知识。


1、掌握a let’s talk 部分的四会句型。

2、能用本部分的语言,如:how tall are you? i’m 164 cm tall.

you’re shorter than me. you’re 4 cm taller than me. 等调查同学的年龄、体重和身高并就调查结果进行分析比较,做出汇报。





1、warm up (热身)


what day is today? it’s monday.

what’s date today? it’s march 4.

what’s the weather like today? it’s sunny.

2、review (复习)


访问内容为:how old are you? how tall are you? 访问人数为5人。

教师根据学生的记录询问how tall is a? how old is a? how tall is b?

how old is b? is a taller than b? is b older than a?

等。句子接龙;教师指着一名学生说:i’m taller than you. 引导该学生指着另一名学生说i’m stronger than you.

如此接下去。说不出的学生可以将上一名学生的句子改说成:you’re stronger than me.

3、presentation (呈现新知)

教师**let’s chant 部分的录音,学生先听一遍,大致了解歌谣内容。


教师提问:is mike taller than lee? who is taller than sue? …


听力练习;教师**let’s try部分的录音,学生听录音,圈出录音材料中所描述的大象。

教师带领学生一起说说这三只大象的样子,教师问:what is the mother elephant like? what is the father elephant like?

is the mother elephant stronger than her son? 订正练习题中的答案。

教师指着一名身高超过自己的学生说i’m 160 cm tall. you’re taller than me. i’m shorter than you.

how tall are you? 该学生回答:i’m 165 cm tall.

教师接着说oh, you’re 5 cm taller than me. 然后教师板书下面这组对话并重点带读最后一个句子。


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