六年级下册英语教案 Theseasons

发布 2020-08-11 10:33:28 阅读 1617

东古小学六年级英语教案——the seasons


牛津小学英语》6b第五单元第二课时 a listen, read and say


1 知识目标:

1)能听懂、会说、会读、会写weather, next

2)能听懂、会说、会读rain, rainy, in the countryside ,make snowmen,most of the time, sounds great!

3)能综合运用句型what’s the weather like …?it’s usually/ often/ sometimes …询问天气或者四季的气候,并用不同的频率副词搭配做出相应的回答。

2. 能力目标 : 使学生通过本课的学习, 能运用所学句型询问天气情况并向他人介绍某地的天气状况。

3. 情感目标 :


2)在合作和交流中培养学生运用所学语言进行交际的能力, 激发学生对家乡的热爱。










step 1 warm up

1. greetings and free talk

t: today we are going to talk about the seasons. (板书season)

there are four seasons in a year. what are they?

s: they are spring, summer, autumn and winter. (板书spring, summer, autumn, winter)

t:which season do you like best?

s: i like … best.

t: why?

s: because it’s … i can …(板书: make snowmen)

t: sounds great./ it’s great fun.

2. game: brain storm

1) t: now, let’s play a game called brain storm. please write your best season in heart.

i like winter best. so i write winter here.

what’s the weather like in winter in suzhou?

it’s usually very cold. it’s often windy. sometimes it’s snowy.

(write down cold, windy, snowy)

please write down some words about your best season like this.

s: …2)t: who likes spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter best?

what’s the weather like in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter in suzhou?(学生齐问)

引导学生用it’s usually/ often/sometimes ……it’s ……most of the time. 回答问题。不同的频率用不同的颜色表示。

t: what’s the weather like in spring in suzhou?

s: it’s often warm.

it’s warm most of the time.(板书: most of the time)

is it sometimes rainy in spring in suzhou?

s: yes.

t: yes. sometimes it’s rainy.

3) t: what’s the weather like in autumn in suzhou?

s: in autumn, it’s often … sometimes it’s ……

read: cool, windy

t: what do people like to do in autumn?

s: people like to …

t: autumn is the best season in suzhou. autumn is also a harvest season.

look, what are they doing?

s: they are picking apples.

t: where can they pick apples?

s: on the farm.

s: people usually go to farms in the countryside. (板书in the countryside---country road, country music)

step 2 presentation

前言。1. t:

just now, you asked a lot of questions about the weather in suzhou. now, su yang is asking the weather, too. she is asking the weather about new york.

because her dad is going to new york.

t: read this paragraph.

2. read and answer.

when is su yang’s dad going to new york?

next year. (next month/ next year)

what are su yang and ben talking about?

who is su yang asking for?

第一部分。1..(听录音回答问题) 板书结构图。

t: ben knows the weather in new york. let’s ask ben.

look at the first picture, which season is it new york?

s: what’s the weather like in … in new york?

1) in autumn, what do people like to do?

2) is it beautiful in spring?

2.t: this time let’s listen and read.

3. listen and judge.(边听边做)

1) it’s hotter in new york in summer than in nanjing.

2) autumn is the best season in new york.

3) there’s a lot of rain in new york in spring.

4) people in new york like to go to farms in spring.

第二部分。1. t: we know the weather in spring, summer and autumn in new york.

what about the weather in winter in new york?

let’s listen and read.

2. t: what are warm clothes? like……

s: scarf, gloves, hat, sweater

t: does ben h**e any suggestions for su yang’s dad?

ben’s suggestion:

your dad needs some clothes for winter in new york.

t: why?

s: because it’s colder than in nanjing.

3. t: we know the four seasons in new york. let’s read the passage together.


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