
发布 2020-07-16 08:46:28 阅读 2535


sing sang唱eat ate吃。

go went去le**e left离开。

take took拍;照h**e had有;吃。

buy bought买see saw看见。


get got到达。

go/went ice-skating去滑冰。


i’ll= i will miss想念。

buy/bought presents买礼物。

row/rowed a boat划船。

see/saw elephants看大象。

go/went skiing去滑雪。

learn / learned chinese学中文。

take /took pictures拍照。

climb/climbed a mountain爬山。

sing and dance /sang and danced唱歌跳舞。



where did you go on your holiday?假期你去了**?

i went to xinjiang.我去了新疆。

what did you do on your holiday?你假期干了什么?

i sang and danced.我即唱了歌又跳了舞。

how did you go there?你怎样去的?

i went by train.我坐火车去的。

when did you go?你什么时候去的?

i went last monday.我上周一去的。

it was a long holiday.这是一个长的假期。

for the last day of the holiday, we relaxed and prepared to go back towork or school.


h**e a ferewell party开毕业告别会。

sing songs唱歌。

play the piano弹钢琴。

play the erhu拉二胡。

do chinese kung fu表演中国功夫。

say hello/goodbye to sb.向某人问好/告别。

invite sb. to … 邀请某人…


1 it is the end of the school year.这是学期末。

2 would you like to perform at the party?你们想在晚会上表演什么呢?

3、let me see.让我想一想。

let’s invite your parents to the party. 让我们邀请你们的父母来晚会。

5、the ferewell party will be on june 20th.毕业会将在六月二十号。

i don’t want to say goodbye to my friends. 我不想给我的朋友告别。

it’s time to say goodbye to china. 到了该与中国到别的时间了。

8、i hope you will get better soon.我希望你很快就会好起来。

9、we will give you a surprise.我们将给你一个惊喜。

10. i feel much better .我感到好多了。

11. i hope you like it.我希望你喜欢。

12. this is a book about panda.这是一本关于熊猫的书。



学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考。1 by bus乘公共汽车2 by bike骑自行车3 by motorcycle乘摩托车4 by car坐小汽车5 by train乘火车6 by plane乘飞机7 by boat乘船8 on foot步行。9 on the first floor在第一层10 on...


精品文档。1 by bus乘公共汽车2 by bike骑自行车3 by motorcycle乘摩托车4 by car坐小汽车5 by train乘火车6 by plane乘飞机7 by boat乘船8 on foot步行。9 on the first floor在第一层10 on monday在星期...


2012 2013 上 六年级复习教案。安排4课时 闽教版第7册六年级复习教案 第一课时 review 1 一 warm ugreeting 2.课件复习音素表和开,闭音节 并做相关练习。二 复习过去时和一般现在时。1.复习过去时。2.复习动词的过去式,结合书本p105 的不规则动词的过去式,补充一...