《闽教版小学英语》六年级 下 综合复习卷

发布 2020-08-12 04:24:28 阅读 5407

general review (三)


一。 按字母表顺序填写所缺字母。9%

ek qv二。 英汉互译。20%

1. 中学2. 理想 3. 马铃薯 4. 医院

5. 餐馆6. classmate7. roast

8. wrong9. each other10. remember

二.情景交际 。10%

( )1.当你想对朋友说:“我可以帮助你学习数学。”这句话可以翻译成:

a.i can help you with your math.

b、i can help you.

c、don’t worry. i can help you with your english.

d、i will help you.

( )2.当你想知道lily今天感觉怎么样,应该问:

a.how about your day, lily?

b、how are you today,lily?

c、what’s wrong with you, lily?

d、what about you, lily?

)3. 当你的同班同学担心他们的英语学习时,你会说。

a.don’t worry. i’ll help you with your chinese.

b、don’t worry. i’ll help you with your english.

c、i’ll help you with your math.

d、i can help you with your science.


a.it’s tuesday today.

b、it’s wednesday today.

c、it’s saturday today.

d、it’s thursday today.


a.we h**e math classes this morning.

b、we h**e art classes this afternoon.

c、we h**e music classes this morning.

d、we h**e music classes this afternoon.


went to my weddingthe winter vacation.

2. ducks and chickens liveland.

3. there are many penguinsthe south pole.

4. they feed their babiesvegetables.

5. don’t worryyour mother and father.


1. where did you goi saw a flower show.

2. how was the weather therei went to guangzhou.

1、放大镜为什么能放大物体的图像呢?我们注意到它的特点了吗?(p3) 3. what’s your f**orite subjectyes, i do.

7、对于生活中的一些废弃物,我们可以从垃圾中**它们并重新加工利用。这样做不但能够减少垃圾的数量,而且能够节省大量的自然资源。 4.

what did you do therepe. i like running.

答:可以,馒头中也含有淀粉,淀粉在咀嚼的过程中发生了变化,变得有甜味了。 5. do you like your classit was sunny and warm.






4、日常生活中我们应该如何减少垃圾的数量? 六.判断下列句子的描述是否正确,正确的“√”错误的”x”。15%

2、如果我们想要设计一个合理、清洁的垃圾填埋场,我们首先应考虑要解决的问题有哪些呢?( 1. mother’s day is coming.

i want to make a card for my mom.


she’s a singer. she can make people strong and healthy.

) any drinks? b: roast beef and vegetables.

)4. ben has a fever. his mom will take him to the supermarket.

)5. hens live on land. they can’t swim. they can give us eggs.


不规则动词过去式 sing sang唱eat ate吃。go went去le e left离开。take took拍 照h e had有 吃。buy bought买see saw看见。prepare准备relax放松。get got到达。go went ice skating去滑冰。cousin堂兄...


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