
发布 2024-02-15 01:10:08 阅读 2763



1. b__g2. c__ld

3. d__sk4. dr__ve (

5. h__bby6. m__p (

7. b__d8. ch__na (

9. f__t10. c___p (

11. h___nd12. h__m__

13. m__th__r ( 14. n__w (

15. n__s16. sm__ll (

17. w___lk18. r__n (

19. r__ d20. w__ ther (


1. what’s your name? x k b 1. com

2. how old are you?

3. what’s your f**ourite color?

4. what’s the weather like today?

5. what class are you in?

6. nice to meet you? w w k b 1. c o m

7. good morning, class?

8. what does she like?

9. what time is it?

10. what’s one plus one?

a. nice to meet you, too.

b. she likes english.

c. my name is tom.

d. it’s two.

e. i’m twelve years old.

f. goood morning, teacher.

g. it’s a quarter to five.

h. i like red best.

i. i’m in class 1, grade 1.

j. it’s sunny. x k b o m


1. i __a student. 2. she __a teacher.

3. _he a doctor?

4. tom and mary __good friends.

5. they __my parents.

6. lucy and itwelve.

7they english? yes, they are.

8. _you a teacher? no, i’m not. i’m a clerk.

9. tomhere yesterday.

10. they __very young 20 years ago.


) 1. _apple, please. a. a b. an

) 2. do you like play __guitar?

a. a b. an c. the d. /

) 3. i like playing __football.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

) 4. tom is very poor, _he is happy every day.

a. but b. and c. so d. because

) 5. _is tom? he is at school.

a. what b. where c. which d. why

) 6. _do you go to school? on foot.

a. how b. what c. why d. where

) 7. i often go to school __bike.

a. on b. in c. by d. with

) 8. what’s this __english? it’s a pen.

a. on b. in c. by d. with

) 9. _you sing? yes, i can. x k b 1 .c o m

a. do b. are c. can d. did

) 10. we can swim __summer.

a. on b. in c. by d. with

) 11. how many __do you h**e? two.

a. apple b. apples

) 12. i can do my homework by

a. myself b. herself c. himself d. itself

) 13. can you help __

a. i b. me c. my d. mine

) 14. _mother is a worker.

a. i b. my c. me d. myself

) 15. _is fifteen.

a. she b. her c. hers d. herself

) 16. my father is very busy, what about __

a. you b. your c. yours d. yourself

) 17. there __six books on the desk. a. is b. are

) 18. look, there is a kite(风筝)__the tree.

a. in b. on

) 19. i like

a. sing b. singing c. to sing d. sang

) 20. let’s __at home. it’s raining outside.

a. to stay b. staying c. stayed d. stay


1. big6. new

2. cool7. on

3. cold8. old

4. balck9. thin

5. good10. tall



1. book___6. chinese___

2. family___7. man___

年7月,美国的“阿波罗11号”载人飞船成功地在月球上着陆。3. box8. woman

答:我们在水中可发现变形虫、鼓藻、草履虫、船形硅藻等。4. tomato___9. child

1、说说你身边物质变化的例子。5. knife___10. tooth


1. i am a student.




2. she is a teacher.




14、在太阳周围的八颗大行星,它们是水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星。3. they are in class1.





i like red.





she likes pe.

六年级英语 外研版 下册复习

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