
发布 2024-02-17 09:20:19 阅读 8798

module 10

we’re going to different schools. 我们将会上不同的学校。

we’re going to le**e our primary school soon and start middle school this september.


we’re also going to meet new friends there. 我们也会在那遇到新的朋友。

i’m excited, and also sad. 我既激动,又伤心。 i am happy for them. 我为他们感到开心。

at the same time, i’m very sad to say goodbye to you. 同时,跟你们说再见我非常难过。

go back to the uk 回去英国 come back to china sometime! 有时间时回到中国。

four years ago 四年前a lot more 更多。

keep on practising chinese in the uk. 在英国要保持练习汉语。

let’s write lots of emails to each other. 让我们互相写许多电子邮件。

are you going to middle school in september? yes, i am. 九月你将要去中学吗?是的,我去。

what are you going to study你将要学什么?

i’m going to study chinese, english, maths, history, science, geography, physics, and chemistry .


i’m not going to study french. 我不会学习法语。

it’s time to say goodbye now. 现在到了说再见的时候了。

module 9

best wishes to you! 最美好的祝愿送给你!

good luck to you! 祝你好运! good luck for the future!

we’re going to say goodbye to our primary school soon. 不久,我们将和我们的小学生活说再见了。

we had a happy time at school. 在学校我们度过了一段愉快的时光。

i enjoyed our time together. 我很享受我们在一起的时光。

i’ll never forget our time together. 我将永远不会忘记我们在一起的时光。

i want to remember you all. 我想记住你们所有人。

i will miss you! 我会想念你的i’ll miss you all. 我会想念你们所有人的!

please write a message in this book. 请在这个本子上写下留言。

i’ll keep it forever. 我将永远保留它。

you’re a naughty but lovely boy. 你是一个淘气却很可爱的男孩。

you’re my best friend. 你是我最好的朋友you’re a wonderful friend. 你是一个出色的朋友。

you helped me in sport. 在体育方面你给了我帮助 you taught me chinese. 你教了我汉语。

you brought us lots of joy. 你带给我们许多乐趣。 thank you very much. 非常感谢你。

come to the uk to watch football games with me! 来英国和我一起看足球比赛。

wishing you happiness every day. 愿你幸福每一天。

what are you doing, lingling? 玲玲,你在做什么?

i’m writing goodbye letters to all my friends at school. 我在给学校里我所有的朋友写告别信。

that’s a good idea. 真是个好主意。 what are you writing in you letters? 你在你的信上写了什么?

the name of a friend 一位朋友的名字 this one is for amy. 这一个是给埃米的。

module 8

where’s my bag? 我的包在哪? i put it on your bed. 我把它放在你的床上了。

it’s under my bed. 它在我的床下面。 they had cups on their heads. 他们把杯子放在他们的头上。

why do you h**e cups on your heads? 你们为什么把杯子放在头上?

they all laughed. 他们都笑了。 play baseball 打棒球。

it’s easy to make mistakes with english words. 英语单词很容易犯错误。

make lots of mistakes 犯很多错误 they put the caps on. 他们戴上了帽子。

why are you laughing? 你(们)为什么笑? because i’m happy. 因为我开心。

why are you crying? 你(们)为什么哭? because i’m sad. 因为我伤心。

why are you shouting? 你(们)为什么喊? because i’m angry. 因为我生气。

why are you eating? 你(们)为什么吃? because i’m hungry. 因为我饿了。

why are you wearing a raincoat? 你为什么穿雨衣? because it’s going to rain. 因为将要下雨。

why are you wearing a hat? 你为什么戴帽子? because it’s going to be sunny. 因为将会晴天。

why are you wearing a t-shirt?你为什么穿t恤衫?because i’m going to play basketball. 因为我要去打篮球。

why are you wearing a dress? 你为什么穿裙子? because i’m going to the theatre. 因为我要去剧院。

why is he tired? 他为什么累了? because he is playing football. 因为他在踢足球。

module 7

i flew to the earth in it a long time ago. 很久以前我乘坐它飞向地球。

in october2003,my father flew into space in shenzhou v. 在2003年10月,我的爸爸乘坐神州五号飞入太空。

my mother and i went to the airport to meet my father. 妈妈和我去机场见了爸爸。

he spent about twenty-one hours in space. 他在太空度过了约21个小时。

he did a lot of work there. 他在那做了很多工作。 at the airport 在飞机场。

he also made a video in space. 他还在太空制作了一段录像。

then he came back to the earth. 然后他返回了地球。 i was very proud of him. 我为他感到自豪。

we were very happy. 我们非常开心。 it was a great day! 那是非常棒的一天!

i want to go into space someday too, 有朝一日我也想去太空。

helen couldn’t see. but she could read. 海伦看不见,但是她会读。

helen couldn’t hear. but she could talk. 海伦听不见,但是她会说话。

helen keller was born in the us in 1880. 海伦凯勒于1880年出生在美国。

as a baby, she became blind and deaf. 当还是婴儿的时候,她变得又肓又聋。

she couldn’t see or hear. 她看不见也听不见。

she drew letters in helen’s hand and taught her to spell. 她在海伦的手上写字母,并教海伦拼写。

later helen learnt to read, write and speak. 后来海伦学会了读、写和说。

六年级英语 外研版 下册复习

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