
发布 2024-02-17 09:20:19 阅读 7184



)1. a. pencil b. pen friend ( 2. a. pleased b. please

)3. a. french b. from( )4. a. different b. difficult

)5. a. china b. chinese


)1. li lei is watching a new ***. (tiger is eating.

) doesn’t like fish. (always play computer games.

) never play basketball.


pandas can __a. swim b. dance).

they eat bamboo, flowers, grass and __a. small b. big)animals.

they eat for___a.11 b.12)hours a day.

pandas don’t __a. sleep b. sleeping)all day in winter.

in summer, they goa. up b. down) the mountains.


)1. a. i want to visit china. b. she wants to visit canada.

)2. a. it’s got a beautiful lake. b. it’s a beautiful lake.

)3. a. open you book. b. open the door.

)4. a. don’t turn right here! b. don’t ride your bike here!

)5. a. go! it’s greenb. stop! don’t cross.




) is twelve years old.

)2. he lives in the us.

)3. he likes collecting stamps.

) is from china, and she can speak some english.

)5. she likes singing and dancing.



)1. a. sing b. reading c. drawing d. playing

)2. a. american b. chinese c. japanese d. canada

)3. a. elephant b. snake c. sheep d. winter

)4. a. often b. clean c. always d. never

)5. a. show b. give c. visit d. city

二、根据首字母或汉语写出单词,使句子完整, 答对4个即可。

1. do you often c___打扫) your room?

2. i nplay football. i don’t like it.

3. collecting dolls is my h . i like dolls.

snake can use its b身体) to dance.

5. don’t talk in the library. please be q !

三、根据汉语提示,写出短语,完成句子, 答对4个即可。

1. there are flags fromthe world (世界各地) .

2. please stand排队).

3. it’s beautiful, i want to照一些相).

4. can you help me没问题).

5看) the pandas! they love bamboo.


a. don’t turn right here. b. elephants like water.

c. shanghai is very big and very famous.

d. i’ve got a knife and fork.

e. you’re cleaning your classroom.


)1. i h**en’t got a football, _i’ve got a basketball.

a. and b. butc. too

)2. don’t __late for school.

a. is b. bec. are

)3. i want __the un building.

a. visit b. visits c. to visit

)4. many countries give presents __the un.

a. of b. forc. to

)5like to sleep in winter.

a. bear b. a bear c. bears

) like __stories at the weekends.

a. reading b. readc. reads


) you got a book about china?

) you want to see my photos?

) are we going?

) you be my chinese pen friend?

) are those?

七、 连词成句,答对2个即可。

1. don’t, i, it, believe

2. building, what, big, a

3. five, the, closes, library, at




ai’m sam. i like sports. i always play basketball in summer.

and in winter i often go skating with my family. i always ride my bike to school, but sometimes i go by bus. after school, i sometimes write stories in chinese.

i like chinese very much, but it’s very difficult for me! i never eat fast food. i don’t like it.

)1. sam always in summer.

a. play basketball b. play football c. goes swimming

)2. he often goes with his family in winter.

a. swimming b. to school c. skating

) always goes to school .


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