
发布 2024-02-16 02:25:11 阅读 7097




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) am going to buy a comic book.

is going to buy a comic book.

am going to the bookstore.

) can go buy the no.3 bus.

can go buy the no.3 bus.

can see it on the left.

) isn’t. is. am.

) don’t know. can get there on foot.

am a student.

) is. is a book. is on your desk.

) can. b. no,you can’t. can.

) near the library. not far.

can go there on foot.

) am singing. can cook the meals. is dancing.

) go there by bus. can go on foot. can’t.

) is a teacher. is a doctorc. i am a driver.


1are you going?

2.__do you go there? i go there by

nonear the

4are you going? i am going to the

am going toa


) book store is in front of the library

) parents go to work by car

) school is north of the fruit stand

) go to school by bus

) grandparents often goes to the fruit stand by bike together.



) 1. /i: /a. tree b. beat c. tea d. red

) 2. /i / a. pig b. bike c. dish d. pink

) 3. /e / a. get b. me c. bed d. seven

) 4. /ei / a. plane b. cat c. fan d. apple

) b. car


)1、——where is the cinema? —it’s next___the hospital.

aon b to c in

( )2、turn right___the bookstore.

aon b at c to

( )3、——where is the post office?

——it’s west___the science museum.

aof b at c to

( )4、what are you going to do on the weekend? .

ai’m going by train. b it’s next to the shoe store.

ci’m going to read a magazine.

( )5、__are you going? this evening.

a where b when c what

( )6、it’s not far___here. a to b at c from

) straight___three minutes.

aat b and c for

)8. _sunday, i’m going to the zoo __subway.

a. on, on b. on, by c. in, at

)9. her father is __tv now.

awatching b going to watch c go to watch

( )10.__can i get to pet school?

a. how b. what


)1. what are you going to do ?

)2. when are you going ?

)3. where are you going ?

)4. how do you go to the zoo ?

)5. are you going to the library ?

a、by train.

b、i’m going to take a trip.

c、yes ,we are.

d、i’m going at 3 0’clock.

e、i’m going to beijing.


1、arewhere thisyougoingafternoon ?

2、next it’s thetohospital .

3、areto we watch goingtv .

4、how youdothere go ?

5、atlightstopreda .


1. 红灯停。

___at a red

2. 请看这些漫画书。

look at thesebooks

3. 我坐火车去北京。

i go to beijing

4. 今天下午我准备去邮局。

i’m going to the postthis

5. 今天上午我去了银行。

i went to the bank


parentstake) a trip next month.

wantsbuy) the plants at the plant shop.

a magazine now.

classroom is on thetwo) floor.

are twopair) ofglass)for you.


六年级英语期中试题 上

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