
发布 2020-07-15 15:19:28 阅读 6365



听力部分。一、listen and circle.(听录音,圈出正确答案, 10个知识点)

二 、listen and choose the answers.(听问句选答句, 10个知识点)

) 1. a. i’m taller than you. b. i’m 48 kg. c. i’m 160cm.

) 2. hurt my leg. b. i h**e a cold . h**e a toothache.

) 3. a. yes, i did. b. no, i did. c. no, she idn’t..

) 4. very happy . b. he’s happy. c. he’s sad.

) 5. a. i wash clothes. b. i played football. c. yes, i do.

三、listen and tick or cross(听录音,判断句子的对错,10个知识点)

)1. i’m 160cm.

)2. i were angry yesterday.

)3. i went to linyi with my grandparents.

)4. we went to lin yi by taxi .

)5. i read books and went hiking in the afternoon.

四.listen and write(听对话填空 ,将所听到的正确的单词填在下面的横线上。10个知识点)

zhang: how tall are you?

mike: i'm 164 cm tall. how are you?

zhang: i'm 48 kg.

mike: what's the matter, zhang peng?

zhang: i h**e ai feel

mike: i'm sorry to hear that. did youyesterday?

zhang:no, i

mike: what did you do?

zhang:in the morning, iandin the afternoon,iand

笔试部分。五、look and choose.(请你为下列**选择正确的词组,5个知识点)

a. went fishing b. washed the clothes a book

d. went swimming e. watched tv

六、read and tick or cross.(读句子,判断正“√”误 “×5个知识点)

)1. she has the flu.

)2. john went swimming last saturday.

)3. chen jie went skiing on her holiday.

)4. amy watered the flowers yesterday.

)5. chen jie washed the clothes last sunday.

七、 read and choose.(读一读,选择正确答句,5个知识点)

)1. -how are you, mike? you look so___

---it's raining outside. i can't play football.

a. happy b. excited

)2.--sam is 160cm tall. ted is 10cm shorter than him. how tall is ted?

a. 150cm b. 160cm c. 170cm

)3.--what's the matter?

---my leg __

a. hurts b. sore c. is hurts

)4did you do yesterday?

--i played ping pang.

a. what b. where c. how

)5.--did you __to a park yesterday?

b. went c. go

八、 read and choose.(读一读,选择正确答句,10个知识点)

) 1. how did you go to canada? a. i am 160 cm tall.

) 2. how tall are you? b. i feel sick.

) 3. how do you feel? c. i went by plane.

) 4. what did you do last weekend?d. yes, she did.

)5. did your mother clean the roomyesterday?e. i visited my grandparents.


1. tall how you are

2. did your what on holiday you do

3. matter what with the is you

4. taller than me you are

5. where you go last evening did

十、 look and answer.(看图回答问题,10个知识点)

1. who is taller than john

2. how does the woman feel

3. what did she do last night

4. what did amy do yesterday

chen jie play the piano last weekend?


last evening,lucy was very sad . her cat mimi was in the tree. she called its name again and again, but it couldn’t (can not 过去式)get down.

peter came asked lucy,“what’s wrong ?”lucy saied “mimi can’t get down.””who’s mimi?

”peter asked.”it is my cat,the white and black there.”

don’t worry!,i’ll help you.”saied he climbs up the tree.

mimi jumped down from the tree and runs runs after her peter can’t get down,he didn’t know what to do.


) called peter again and again.

) cat can’t get down from the tree.

) helped lucy get the cat down.

) and her cat run away.

) knowed how to get down.



2018 2019学年度第二学期期中教学诊断检测。小学六年级英语试题 60分钟 hello 亲爱的同学们,相信你在前一阶段的学习中,通过努力收获了许多英语知识。下面让我们一起来检测一下吧!注意认真书写哦!听力部分。一 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将序号填在前面的括号里。1.a.beach b.bou...


2014 2015学年度第二学期期中教学质量检测。六年级英语试卷。part listening 听力部分,共30分 i 听音,标记。listen and tick 共4分 听对话,在相应的 上打 听音,排序。listen and number 共12分 1.听对话,将下列 排序。共4分 2.将下列短...


b 将相和 一文记述了 完璧归赵 渑池之会 负荆请罪 三个小故事。c 的词 卜算子 咏梅 题目中的 咏梅 是词牌名。d 文学家司马迁说过 人固有一死,或轻于泰山,或重于鸿毛 4 按要求填空。6分 1老大徒伤悲。2谁持彩练当空舞?3 我最喜欢的一副对联。5 口语交际。2008年奥运会将在我国北京举行,...