
发布 2020-08-12 00:42:28 阅读 8817





) 1. a. by ship b. on foot c. by plane d. by train

) 2. a. yellow b. redc. green d. blue

) 3. a. no.53 b. no.56 c. n0.55 d. no.50

) 4. b. hospital c. museum d. bookstore

) 5. b. post card c. comic book d. word book


) 1. a. yes, you canb. you can go by the no. 12 bus.

c. i can go by the no. 12 bus.

) 2. a. yes, it’s far from here. b. yes, it’s near here.

c. no, it’s far from here.

) 3. a. she’s my mother. b. she’s a tv reporter.

c. he’s a cleaner.

) 4. a. i’m going to buy some books. b. i’m going there by bus.

c. i’m going there at 3 o’clock this afternoon.

) 5. a. no, he does. b. yes, she does. c. yes, he does.


1. excuse me, where is theit’s near the park.

2. do you h**e a newyes, i do.

3. where is theit's east of the science museum.

4. how do you go to guangzhou? i go by

5. lucygoes to school on foot.



( )1. a. post office b. cinema c. bookstore d. together

( )2. a. ship b. taxi c. train d. foot

( )3. a. morning b. tonight c. tomorrow d. straight

( )4. a. turn b. slow c. office d. stop

)5. a mooncake b postcard c dictionary book


1. h**e(单三形式2. dance(ing形式。

3.明信片(译成英语4. doesn’t(完全形式)__

5. hobby(复数原形。

7.步行(译成英语 left(译成汉语)__

9. traffic lights (英译汉单三形式。


)1. stopa red light

a. atb. on c. in

)2are you going ? this afternoon.

a. when b. which c. where

)3three traffic lights in every country.

a. h**eb. there isc. there are

)4.— how do you go to canada?— i go

a. by the plane b. on the plane c. by plane d. on plane

)5. how can izhongshan park?

a. get off b. get to c. get

)6. is it far here

a. from b. about c. for

) brother is going tomy grandparents on saturday morning.

a. visits b. visit c. visiting

) are you going to do___

this morning b. morning c. this morning

)9is the great wallit’s in china.

b. what

) 10. my father going to the cinema.

a. are b. is c. am


) do you go to schoola. i’m going to buy a comic book.

) is the going to the cinema.

) are you going to do this evening? near the post office.

) are you goingd. by bus

)5. what are you going to afternoon


and, red, stop, at, light, wait (

going, afternoon, where, you, this?, get, i, how, cinema, the, can (?

4. foot, to, i, go, on, usually, school .

5. no. 19, take, the, go, bus, you, can .


home is near the bank.(对划线部分提问)

is a library in our school.(改为一般疑问句)

___a library in our school?


b 将相和 一文记述了 完璧归赵 渑池之会 负荆请罪 三个小故事。c 的词 卜算子 咏梅 题目中的 咏梅 是词牌名。d 文学家司马迁说过 人固有一死,或轻于泰山,或重于鸿毛 4 按要求填空。6分 1老大徒伤悲。2谁持彩练当空舞?3 我最喜欢的一副对联。5 口语交际。2008年奥运会将在我国北京举行,...


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