六年级英语期中试题 人教版

发布 2020-08-12 00:45:28 阅读 3911






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1. your birthday? his birthday?

2. a. a dog is boy is crying.

3. a. is there an there a pineapple?

4. a. how are youb. how old are you?

5. a. suger is is salty.

三、 听问句,选择答语,每段小对话读两遍。(5分)

( )1. a. yes , i canb. i don’t like it.

( )2. a. that is vinegerb. it’s sour.

( )3. a. i’m tinab. he’s sam.

( )4. a. it’s a peachb. they smell bad.

( )5. a. i like englishb. i like the monkey.

四、 听短文,从相应选项中选出所听最佳答案,短文读两遍。(5分)

)1. lily likes___very much.

a. beefb. fish

)2. does lucy like fish?

a. yes , she does. b. no , she doesn’t.

)3. lily’s father likes __

)4. who is jenny?

a. my motherb. it’s a cat.

) does lily like the cat?




一、 写出5个小写字母占中上两格的字母大小写形式。(5分)

二、 根据汉语意思,在四线三格内写出正确的英语单词。(5分)

6. his birthday is in __4月)

7. there___be动词)some garlic.


h**e a holiday on the___第十)of september.

are __唱歌).

三、 根据问句,从方框a、b、c、d、e五个答句中,先选出合适的答语,然后正确抄写在四线三格内。(10分)

)11. when’s your birthdaya. it smells strong , it’s garlic.

)12. what’s in your kitchenb. yes, i can.

)13. are there any rubbish binsc. it’s on the first of march.

)14. smell this . what is itd. no,there aren’t.

)15. can you hear birdse. there’s some salt and sugar.


一、 下面有5组单词,选出每组中不属同一类的单词。(5分)

)16、a. hot b. saltc. sweet

)17、a. soy sauce b. vinegar c. stone

)18、a. web.

)19、a. onb.


二、 根据情景,选择正确的表达形式。(10分)

)21. 你急匆匆地过马路,这时你身边的朋友会说:

a . be carefulb . help!

)22. 你问妈妈冰箱里还有没有洋葱时,你会说:

a. are there any onion? b . are there any onions?

)23. 当别人问你大蒜是什么味道时,你会回答:

a . it’s strongb . it’s nice.

)24. 向别人寻求帮助时,你应该说:

a . can you help meb . can i help you?

)25. 当别人问你听见什么时,你会回答:

a . i can see a man. b . i can hear a woman shouting.

三、 从a、b两个两个选项中选出一个可以填入横线并组成正确意思的答案。(15分)

)26. 在name和make中,字母a的正确读音应该是___

ab . ei/

)27. 在下面字母中,哪一组字母中没有元音字母?__

a . gzxscfb . shmnuf

)28. there is no water的另一种说法是___

a . there isn’t any waterb . there is some water.

)29. what’s three and four? it’s __

a . sevenb . one

)30. 急救的**号码英文是___

a . one one nineb . one two 0

)31. my brother’s birthday is __the sencond of september.

a . inb . on

)32. tim and tom are __the holiday.

a . talking withb . talking about

)33. my mother likes orange ,pear __bananas.

a . andb . or

)34. these are pickles. they are __

a . hotb . salty

)35. she is afraid __cats.

a . ofb . for

)36. the music room is on the __floor.

a . thirdb . three

)37. it’s time to___


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