
发布 2020-08-12 00:44:28 阅读 7198










一、选择填空(共15小题, 计15分)



1. ll a. eeb. ffc. jj

2. ii a. kkb. yyc. ww

3. qq a. wwb. vvc. ss

b: 朗读下列单词,从a、b、c中找出划线部分发音与所给音标相同的选项。

4. /ei/ a. jacketb. namec. and

5. /i / a. hib. whitec. his

6. /i:/ a. sheb. yesc. seven


7. 在购买衣服时,__表示大号,__表示中号,__表示小号。

a. l, s, mb. l, m, s c. m, l, s

8. —how is your father?

a. i'm ok, thanks. b. he is fine,thanks. c. how are you

9.—is she maryher name is jane.

a. yes, she isb. no, she isn’t c. yes, he is

10.—what’snamename is mike.

a. his, herb. her, hisc. his, his

11it, please. —b-o-o-k.

a. what’sb. spellc. what color

12. this ismap. it’senglish map.

a. a, ab. a, anc. an, a

13is my sister andare my parents.

a. this, thatb. this, thosec. these, that

14.--h**e a nice day, mike!

you ,too

a. yes, i amb thanksc and you?

--it’s blue.

a how are you b what’s thisc what color is it



ad**e brown is my uncle. this is a photo of his family. this is his wife.

her name is gina. her jacket is yellow and she likes yellow very much. they h**e a son and a daughter.

their son is jack. he is 8. his hat is red.

kate is their daughter. she is 10. jack and kate are students.

they study in mr. brown’s school. their dog, tom is in the family, too.

but it isn’t in the photo.

16. who is d**e brown?

a. my friend b. my aunt c. my uncle

17. what color is gina’s jacket?

a. blueb. yellow c. black

18. which one is true(正确的)?

a. they h**e two children(孩子)

b. gina likes blue very much.

c. kate is jack’s sister.

19. how old is jack?

a .9b. 8c. 10

20. who is tom?

a. the dog b. the son c. the daughter


a: hi, i’m betty. 21

b: i’m lisa.

a : what’s your last name ?

b : 22

a :hi, lisa green.23

b : nice to meet you, too.

a : 24

b : yes, it is.

a: 25b: it’s 632-4517.


hello, my name is kate brown. i’m from(来自) the uk. my dad is d**id brown.

my mom is jenny brown. she is very nice. mike and jack are my brothers.

they love me very much. my f**orite(最喜欢的) color is white. i h**e a white jacket and i like it very much.

i like ****** friends. my telephone number is 169-5708. do you like me?

what’s your name? please tell me.

26 what’s kate’s last name?

27. is kate from china?

28. who are mike and jack?

29. what’s kate’s telephone number?

30. how many(多少) people in kate’s family?



第ii卷答题卷 (45分)





31. /e32


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