
发布 2020-07-15 15:21:28 阅读 3025





( )1. a. beach b. boughtc. both

( )2. a. watched b. washedc. watch

( )3. a. rodeb. ridec. read

( )4. a. drankb. dinosaurc. before

( )5. a. stayed b. strongc. stronger

( )6. a. wentb. wherec .when

( )7. a. hurtb. hadc. hall

( )8. a. magazine b. meterc. mule

( )9. a. lastb. longerc. laughed

( )10. a. campb. cleanc. can


( )1. a. where did you go on the weekend?

b. what did you do on the weekend?

c. what do you do on the weekends?

( )2. a.- how was your holiday?- it was good.

b. -how was the beach? -it was great.

c. -how are you today? -i am fine.

( )3. a. -did you see a film? -yes, we did.

b. -did you clean the room? -yes, i did.

c. –did you go swimming? -no, i didn’t.

( )4. a. john fell off his bike last saturday and hurt his leg

b. john fell off his bike last sunday and hurt his foot.

c. john fell off his horse last monday and hurt his head.

( )5. a. you’re taller and stronger than me.

b .you’re taller and thinner than me.

c. i’m taller and thinner than him.


) 1. a b ( 2. ab

) 3. a b ( 4. a b

) 5. a b( )6. a b

) 7 a. b (

)9. ab10. a. b.


yesterday iwent/ want) camping with my cousin tom.

tom is 13 yearsold/ older). he is one year older than me. we (take/ took) lots of pictures there.

weread/ rode) a horse. when we got to the top of the mountain it was had) a good time.


1. short ( 比较级 (比较级。

3. long (比较级4. he**y(比较级)

5. sleep(过去式 (过去式)

7. read (过去式8. eat(过去式)

9. ride (过去式10. did(动词原形)

11. 昨天(汉译英12. 礼物(汉译英)

二、根据短文大意选词填空,每空只填一个词。 ,

hello! i'm mike. i'm 12old.

this is my sister ann, and this is my brother bill. ann is 3 yearsthan me, but she is thinner and shorter thanbill is 10 years old. he is stronger than me.

i'm 1.58 metres. he is 1.

60 metres. so i’mthan bill. i'm 51 kilograms.

he is 2 kilogramsthan me. bill’s shoes are size 7 .my shoes are size 6 .

his feet are bigger than

ann and bill are so cute. i lovevery much.


( )1. -what did you do last weekend? -i __

a . read a book b .watch tv c . clean the room

( )2. did you __a film last weekend ?

a. sawb. seec . seeing

( )3. what __you __last night?

a. did didb. did do c. do do

( )4. did you go to a park? _

a. yes, i do. b. yes, i am. c. yes, i did.

( )5. i cleaned my room and __my clothes last night.

a. washb. washedc. washing

( )6. how was your weekend? it __good.

a. isb. wasc. are

( )2 years __than my sister.

a. longerb. youngerc. smaller

) 8. she went swimming with her mother

a. tomorrow b. next weekend c. yesterday morning

( )9. -did you go there?- i went there by plane.

a. whatb. wherec. how

) 10. i’m 40 kilograms and my sister is 35 kilograms. so i’m __than my sister.

a. he**ierb. shorter c. smaller


) 1. 你和同学比高矮,应该说:__


六年级中段调研试卷。时间 40分钟。听力部分。一 listen and circle.听录音,圈出正确答案,10个知识点 二 listen and choose the answers.听问句选答句,10个知识点 1.a.i m taller than you.b.i m 48 kg.c.i m 1...


2014 2015学年度第二学期期中教学质量检测。六年级英语试卷。part listening 听力部分,共30分 i 听音,标记。listen and tick 共4分 听对话,在相应的 上打 听音,排序。listen and number 共12分 1.听对话,将下列 排序。共4分 2.将下列短...


b 将相和 一文记述了 完璧归赵 渑池之会 负荆请罪 三个小故事。c 的词 卜算子 咏梅 题目中的 咏梅 是词牌名。d 文学家司马迁说过 人固有一死,或轻于泰山,或重于鸿毛 4 按要求填空。6分 1老大徒伤悲。2谁持彩练当空舞?3 我最喜欢的一副对联。5 口语交际。2008年奥运会将在我国北京举行,...