
发布 2024-02-16 02:30:11 阅读 6041

unit 1 the king’s new clothes

story time

我尝试1. 略2. d b f c g e a3. b c a d

我交流1. (1) t (2) f (3) f (4) f

2. (1) no, they weren’t.(2) no, they couldn’t.(3) no.(4) no, he wasn’t.

我运用1. 略。

2. was, liked, visited, for, showed, clever, foolish

3. (1) walked through, were, looked, shouted(2) laughed, wearing

脱口秀略。grammar time

我尝试略。我交流1. (1) b (2) a (3) c (4) b

2. laughed, pointed, was, liked, shouted, were, lived, showed, looked, walked

我运用1. (1) long long ago, there was a king.(2) the king liked the new clothes.

3) two men visited the king.

4) clever people can see them, foolish people can’t see them.

2. (1)√ 2)√ 3)× 4)×脱口秀略。

fun time

我尝试略。我交流1. 略2. (1) d (2) c (3) a (4) b

我运用1. (1) make, for(2) at(3) wearing(4) fit, well

2. (1) make, clothes(2) fit, fit well

脱口秀略。sound time & culture time

我尝试1. 略2. america / usa;scotland

我交流略。我运用1. (1)√ 2) ×3)√ 4) ×5)√ 6)√

2. (1) c (2) b (3) d (4) a3. (1) jeans (2) kilt (3) got

脱口秀略。cartoon time

我尝试1~2. 略3. c a b d f g e

我交流。1. (1) miss fox and her students are playing a game. they are telling a story.

2) bobby.(3) yes, they do.

2. (1) f (2) f (3) f (4) f3. (1) b (2) a (3) b (4) a (5) b

我运用1. 略。

2. playing a game, story, one sentence, starts

3. (1) he is thinking hard.(2) billy says a sentence too.

3) the boy lived in a little house.(4) we h**e to start the story again.

5) there was a house on the mountain.

脱口秀略。checkout time & ticking time

我尝试略。我交流1. (1) t (2) f (3) f (4) f2. (1) b (2) a (3) b (4) b

我运用walked through, were, looked, shouted

脱口秀略。unit 1单元测试卷。


听力部分一、1~5 a b b b c二、1~5 c a b b b

三、1. clever, foolish2. playing a game, story3. pointed, shouted, wearing

4. starts

笔试部分一、1~6√√×二、1. long long ago2. try on3. walked through

4. pointed at5. telling a story6. 说一个句子7. 努力地思考8. 照顾。

9. 变成10. 许多人。

三、1. laughed 2. pointed 3. liked 4. said 5. got 6. showed 7. told

8. walked 9. was 10. were 11. came 12. had

四、1~5 b a b b b 6~10 c a b a b五、1. he is thinking hard.

2. each student says a sentence.3. the boy liked new clothes.

4. two men visited the king.5. they h**e to start the story again.

6. there were a lot of people in the street.

六、1~5 f t f t f

unit 2 what a day!

story time

我尝试1. 略2. b c e a f d3. b a e c f d

我交流1. (1) t (2) f (3) t (4) f

2. (1) it was sunny in the morning.(2) they flew kites high in the sky.

3) they brought some dumplings, some bread and honey and some drinks.

4) some ants.

我运用1. 略2. (1) a (2) b (3) c (4) d

3. sunny, show, became windy, cloudy, brought, drinks, afternoon, rained

脱口秀略。grammar time

我尝试1. 略2. windy sunny rainy cloudy

我交流1. was, saw, flew, went, brought, could, took, became

2. (1) were (2) wearing, any (3) saw, flew

我运用1. 略。

2. (1) it was cloudy in the morning.(2) he brought some bread and honey.

3) we saw many interesting parrots.

脱口秀略。fun time

我尝试1. 略2. c e b a d

我交流1. 略。

2. (1) sunny (2) rainy (3) flying high (4) drinks (5) makes clothes

我运用1. 略。

2. (1) saw (2) became, windy, cloudy (3) went, bike (4) wearing

脱口秀略。sound time & song time


我运用1. (1)√ 2)√ 3)× 4)× 5)× 6)√

2. (1) the new year is nearly here.(2) little johnny wants to play.

3) i played basketball in the playground.

脱口秀略。cartoon time

我尝试1. 略2. 略3. b a e f c d

我交流。1. (1) in the park. (2) bobby can’t find his new kite.

(3) no, it wasn’t.(4) sam.

2. (1) t (2) f (3) t (4) t

我运用1. 略。

2. (1) flew (2) wasn’t windy (3) what happened (4) drinks

3. meets, sad, lost, know, flew, windy, climbed up, hill, high,

hold on, away, found

4. (1) sam meets bobby in the park.(2) what’s the matter?

3) it was not windy in the park.

4) it flew too high and we couldn’t hold onto it.

5) i found it near the hill.

脱口秀略。checkout time & ticking time

我尝试1. 略2. windy, sunny, drinks, cloudy, rainy

我交流略。我运用1. swimming, went swimming2. did, h**e, didn’t

3. windy, flew, drinks4. watch

脱口秀略。unit 2单元测试卷。


听力部分一、1~5 a c a c d 6~10 a b a c b

二、1~4 b c c a三、4 2 1 3 5四、1~5 a b a b a

五、1. laughing 2. starts 3. is, windy 4. drink 5. wearing

笔试部分。一、1~4 √×

二、1. are swimming 2. was 3. were 4. pointed at, laughed

5. is living 6. rainy 7. brought

三、1~6 b c a b b c

四、1. did, meet 2. clouds 3. was raining 4. sunny, went to the park

5. 做得好 6. 抓住 7. what happened 丢了我的风筝。

五、1. the two men showed the king his new clothes.


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