小学英语 六年级英语Holidays整理笔记

发布 2024-02-16 01:50:11 阅读 1705

unit 6 holidays

一、词组:1. new year’s day (元旦)

2. halloween (万圣节)

3. easter (复活节)

4. may day (五一劳动节)

5. children’s day (儿童节)

6. national day (国庆节)

7. mid-autumn festival (中秋节)

8. dragon boat festival (端午节)

9. spring festival (春节)

10. christmas (圣诞节)

11. teachers’ day (教师节)

12. christmas is coming. (圣诞节快到了。)

13. get very excited (变得非常兴奋)

14. talk to his students about holidays (和他的学生一起谈论假期)

15. on the 25th of december (在12月25日)

16. come after (在…后面)

17. on new year’s day (在元旦)

18. go to parties/ a party (去参加聚会)

19. h**e a big lunch (吃一顿丰盛的午餐)

20. at spring festival (在春节)

21. visit their relatives and friends (拜访他们的亲戚和朋友)

22. eat lots of delicious food (吃许多美味的食物)

23. of course (当然)

24. my f**ourite holiday (我最喜爱的假期)

25. dress up in costumes (穿上戏装打扮自己)

26. last halloween (去年万圣节)

27. eat moon cakes (吃月饼)

28. play with lanterns (玩灯笼)

29. watch the moon (赏月)

30. on different holidays (在不同的假期)

31. sing and dance (唱歌跳舞)

32. a popular holiday (一个多数人喜爱的假期)

33. spend time with their family and friends (和家人朋友一起度过)

34. meet friends and relatives (和亲戚朋友见面)

35. h**e a long holiday (有一个长假)

36. watch dragon boat races (看龙舟比赛)

37. eat rice dumplings (吃粽子)

二、句型:when’s …?it’s in/on …

what do people usually do at …?they usually …

did you … last …?yes, i did. /no, i didn’t.



talk to sb.与某人谈话; talk about sth.谈论某事;

talk to sb about sth.与某人谈论某事。

如:ben is talking to jack about public signs.(本正在和杰克谈**共标志。)


(1)在表示节日的词前,用介词at。如:at spring festival.

(2)在表示具体某一天的词前,用介词on。如:on new year’s day.

3)在表示某月或某年的词前,用介词in。如:in april, in 2018.

3. 由last构成的词组。

last指“刚过去的” ,它可以和其他单词组成许多表示过去的时间状语。如:last year(去年), last week(上周), last month(上个月), last monday(上星期一), last spring festival(去年春节)等。

4.watch与look, see, read 等词的区别。

(1)look是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语。强调有意识地“看” ,着重指动作。

look at相当于一个及物动词的短语,其后可以跟宾语。多用来强调“看”的动作。

(2)see是及物动词,后面可以跟宾语。意为“看到,看见” ,强调“看”的结果。



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