
发布 2024-01-28 08:00:04 阅读 9229



检测目的: 考察学生的语音是否准确。

一。 read and write (根据所给单词划线部分的读音,进行归类。)

1. arm2. name

3. bus4. who

5. born

检测目的: 本题主要帮助学生掌握所学知识中的部分语法知识。

二。 read and choose. (选词填空。)

( )1. i’m __a toy car for my little brother.

a. makeb. ****** c. makes

) 2. -who’s __please?

this is jack

a. he, speaking b. that, speak c. calling, speaking

) 3. -what___he do?

he __a teacher.

a. does, is b. do, is c. is, is

) 4. i am __for bob now.

a. waiting b. wait c. waits

) 5. these cups __very nice.

a. is b. am c. are

检测目的: 主要帮助学生复习掌握有关短语。

三。 read and match. (从b栏中找出与a栏词相近的选项。)

a栏b栏。 )1. besidea. a lot of

)2. manyb. look for

)3. by airc. next to

)4. findd. this evening

)5. tonighte. by plane


四。 think and write.(连词组句。)

1. the weather, today, like, what, is

2. a week, five days, we, school, go to

3. me, check, let, your, teeth

4. are, friends, ted and i, good

5. alice, every day, get up, seven, at


五。 read and complete.(完形填空)

ling ling ① a pretty girl. she ② eight. she ③ in shanghai. she ④ in a primary school.

ling ling ⑤ at 6:40 every day. after that, she ⑥ english. she ⑦ breakfast at 7:00.

now, it’s seven o’clock in the morning. what ⑧ ling ling ⑨ she ⑩ breakfast with her family.

a. isb. am c. are

a. isb. am c. are

a. lives b. live c. living

a. study b. studies c. studying

a. get up b. gets up c. getting up

a. read b. reads c. reading

a. had b. h**e c. has

a. isb. am c. are

a. dob. does c. doing

a. is h**ing b. h**e c. has

参***。一。 1. arm farm yard 2. name cake rain

3. bus cup run4. who do who

5. born morning sport


音,这样的单词结尾经常有一个不发生的e,如: gate, make, late等。

但字母组合ai, ay在单词中也经常发[ei]的音,如:wait, rain, play, day等。

2.字母u在重读闭音节单词中经常发[∧]的音,如:but, just, cup等。

3.单个字母o在单词结尾出现有两种发音的可能,一种发字母o的名称音,如:go, no等。另一种发[u:],如:do, who等。

4.字母组合or在单词中经常发[:]如:born,sport等。当or放在w 后时,经常发[:]的音。

二。 1. b. 3. a 4. a

三。 (c )1. (a )2. (e )3. (b )4. (d )5.

四。1. what is the weather like today?

2. we go to school five days a week.

3. let me check your teeth.

4. ted and i are good friends.

5. alice gets up at seven every day.

注:因为第5小题中的时间状语是every day,因此判断它的时。

态是一般现在时。根据主语(alice)是第三人称单数, 所以我们要把原文中的get up 改为gets up.

五。 ①a. is ② a. is ③ a. lives ④ b. studies

b. gets up ⑥ b. reads ⑦ c. has ⑧ a. is

c. doing ⑩ a. is h**ing

注:短文的前两段用的是一般现在时,一般现在时中的动词要根据主语来变化,主语是第三人称单数时(she, he, it),动词要改为第三人称单数形式。(be---is, live---lives, study—studies,

get up --gets up, read---reads, h**e---has).

短文的第三段用的是现在进行时,通过时间状语now来判断的。进行时的结构是: be+doing 在一般现在时中be有三种形式,即: am, is, are, 要根据主语来选择它。

class: name:

)1. good morning! !

)2. nice to see you again !

are you ? to see you , too . do you do ?

) night,mom !

! night ! evening .

) do you do ?

are you ? do you do ?

) many story books do you h**e ?

h**e 10. can see 10. yuan.

) you h**e new teachers?

do . don’t. h**e .

) your art teacher ?

zhu. zhu. tall.

) he like?

tall and strong . is. zhu.

) your english teacher young?

isn’t. is . is.

)10. ?her name is chen jie.

your name ? she name ? her name ?

)11. ?i like chinese,math and english.

classes do you like? do you like? are you like ?

)12. ?we h**e english and

do you h**e on mondays ? do you h**e ?

do you h**e on monday?

)13. ?it’s monday.

is it today ? day is it today ? day is today ?

)14. ?i watch tv and do my homework.

do you do ? do you do in mondays?

do you do on sundays ?

) i h**e a look ?

you are . you are .

) math teacher is canada.

) three new teachers.

) chinese teacher like ?

) is thin.

) are days in a week.

) are month(月)in a year(年).

) often watch tv saturday .

) like i don’t lime music.

) is apple. it is red apple., a a

) do you like ?


class: name:

)1. how are you ?

is. are you ?

)2. nice to meet you !

you. to meet you ,too !

)3. how do you go to school ?

go to canada by plane. go to school by bike. about you ?

)4. how do you go to the usa ?

usually go to school by bus. go to england by ship. go by plane.

)5. ?my home is near the post office.

a. where is your home ? you then!

)6. see you at 2 o’clock.

you then ! fifth floor. easy.

)7. ?you can go by the no.15 bus.

not far. b. how can i get to zhongshan park ?

)8. where is the hospital?

to the cinema. you . welcome.

)9. excuse me ,is there a cinema near here ?

is . not far. near the post office.

)10.? it’s near the post office.

is . not far. c. where is the library?

)11. ?it’s next to the hospital.

a. where is the cinema ,please ? it far ? straight.

)12. how can i get to the hospital ?

next to the hospital. can go by the no.201 bus. you.


小学六年级英语作文小学六年级英语作文精选 三篇 导语 芬芳袭人花枝俏,喜气盈门捷报到。心花怒放看通知,梦想实现今日事,喜笑颜开忆往昔,勤学苦读最美丽。在学习中学会复习,在运用中培养能力,在总结中不断提高。以下是大为大家的 小学六年级英语作文精选 三篇 供您查阅。saturday afternoon....


a.155cm.b.153cm c.167cm.31.line up shorter taller.to to to 二 按要求写单词。older 反义词do 第三人称单数 know 同音词。your 名词性物主代词tall 反义词meter 复数。mother 对应词 centimeter 缩写形...


六年级英语第18周元旦假期作业 1 2010 12 31 班级姓名家长签名评分 一般现在时态 表示经常做的事,经常性的行为。一般情况 主语 动词原形,特殊情况 主语是第三人称单数时,主语 动词原形 s或 es 例 i often read books at 7 00.shirley usually ...