
发布 2024-01-28 08:30:04 阅读 6381



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) officea. 游泳池。

) poolb. 英语角。

) cornerc. **教室。

) roomd. 计算机房。

) roome. 教师办公室。

)6. art roomf. 教学楼

)7. teaching buildingg. 美术教室。


) 1. let me show you around. a. yes, i think so, too.

) 2. where is the music room? b. it’s on the third floor.

) 3. do you h**e a library? c. thank you.

) 4. how large and bright! d. i’m going to the gym.

) 5. where are you going? e. yes, we do.


t: class is over.

) a: hey

b: i’m going to the gym. there is a basketball game in the gym.

) a: really

) b: ok

c: are you going to gym?

b: yes, we are.

) ci’ll go with you.



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) a resta. 去游泳。

) a walkb. 去购物。

) a picturec. 散步。

) shoppingd. 休息。

) skatinge. 轻轨。

)6. go swimmingf. 去溜冰

)7. on footg. 拍照。

)8. light rail trainh. 步行。


) 1. how do you go to school? a. they are going to take a walk.

) 2. let’s take a walkb. i’m glad to.

) you go shopping with me? c. i go to school on foot.

) are they going to do? d. let’s.


) ab: good afternoon!

) ab: let’s go to the sanxia museum.

) a: good idea

b: let’s go there by bus.

a: ok. what time?

b: um… 8:30, ok?

) b: ok



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) 1. don’t light firesa. 不要射杀小鸟。

) 2. don’t shoot the birds. b. 不要随地吐痰。

) 3. don’t cut the trees down. c. 不要随便点火。

) 4. don’t spit anywhered. 不要乱扔垃圾。

) 5. don’t litter anywhere. e. 不要乱砍乱伐。


) you follow these rules? a. thank you.

) 2. are you miss liub. glad to see you, too.

) 3. welcome to our farmc. yes, i am.

) 4. glad to see youd. don’t shoot birds.

) does the sign mean? e. yes, i will.


) tboys and girls!

s: good morning, miss liu.

t: let’s make class rules.

) st: first, we mustn’t litter in the classroom.

) a: second

b: third, we should keep quiet in the classroom.

c: fourth, we mustn’t draw on the desk.

t: ok, will you follow these class rules?

) s六年级上册英语第五单元复习。


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) 1. take part in a. 去远足。

) 2. take a tripb. 自然公园。

) 3. take training c. 少年宫。

) 4. go hikingd. 参加。

) 5. nature park e. 去旅行。

) 6. children’s palace f. 参加训练。


) 1. will you join the volunteer group? a. thank you, the same to you.

) 2. do you like ****** thingsb. i’m going to go camping.

) 3. what can you do for these children? c. yes, i do.

) 4. h**e a good timed. we can make them happy .

) 5. what’s your plane. yes, i will.


) aanne?

b: i’m going to take part in a race.

) a: sounds exciting

c: i’m going to take training in basketball. and you?


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