
发布 2024-02-17 01:00:09 阅读 2833

成绩。一. 听力(30分)



) i do b. no, they don’t c. yes, i did

)2 a. he’s cold b. i’m finec. it’s rainy.

)3. a. in yangzhou b. at 6:00c. by bike

) here you are b. thank youc. why ?

) my father b. he’s my father. c. she’s my sister.


1.——did you sing and dance last

—— yes, i did.

2.——how can ito yangzhou museum ?

—— go along this street, and then turn left at the second crossing.

3.——which season do you like best ?

—— i like

4.——are you going to h**e a picnic with us tomorrow ?

—— no, i’m going to see awith my father.

5.——what do the children usually do on sundays ?

—— they milk cows and __apples.


) 1. jim is a

a. pupilb. thirteenc. student

) 2. he reads chinese forminutes

a.10b. 30c. 20

) 3. he often hasfor breakfast.

a. coffee and milk b. milkc. cake and coffee

) 4. he goes to school

a. by bikeb. by busc. on foot

) 5. it only takes himminutes to walk to school.

a.10b.15c. 20

二. 英汉词组互译。(10分)

1. writing *****6.最好的季节。

2. do more exercise7.邮局。

3. fax machine8.要求得到。


5. turn right10.写一封信。

三. 单项选择。在a、b、c三个选项中选择一个正确答案,序号填写在题前括号内。(10分)

)1. i usually __my lesson in the morning. but yesterday i __them in the afternoon.

a. do; dob. did; doc. do; did

)2. _any water in the bottle .

a. there aren’tb. there isn’t c. is there

)3. which season do you likespring or summer ?

a. bestb. goodc. better

)4. tom with his parentsto the zoo.

a. gob. goesc. went

)5i h**e __glue, pleasewhat for ?

a. can; anyb do; somec. can; some

)6. i like skating very much. may i h**e adad ?

a. mirrorb. skateboardc. scarf

) buy some flowershis mother.

a. wants, forb. want, toc. want, for

)8. yangzhou is a beautiful city. you can go there for___outing in __spring.

a. a, theb. /thec. an, /

) wants tocooking.

a. do well inb. does well inc. good at

)10bike is blue andis black

a. your; mineb. your; myc. yours; mine

四. 用所给你单词组合成一个句子,注意字母的大小写和标点符号。

1.gao shan , is , taller, d**id, than

2. swim, does, jim, slower, than, d**id

3. the, can, tell, to ,me, way, you, shopping, centre

4 the, what’s,like, in, weather, yang zhou

5 are, to , take, we, going, part, in , contest,singing,a


1. —我可以拿一些胶水吗? —用来干什么? —我想做风筝。

——can i h**e

——i want to __a kite.

2.——这周你准备做什么? —我将去远足。

—— what are youto do this

——i’mto go on an

3.——你上周六做了什么? —我参观了一个农场。

—— what __youlast saturday ?


2012年回龙小学六年级英语模拟试卷。一 将所给单词的大小写字母相互转换,并写出单词的中文意思。5分 door badcoldfeverhigh 二 根据汉语提示选择正确的字母组合成单词或短语,并将正确答案的番号填入题前的括号内。7分 1 n ty 淘气的 a ough b augh c iugh ...


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