
发布 2024-02-14 04:00:10 阅读 4607


2.、collect stamps (中文。


4、make snowmen (中文。


6.、post office(中文。


8.、dress up (中文。


10、sports meeting (中文。


1. it’s warm inin jiangsu.

2. i’ve got a newphone as a present.

3. my brother is writing ain the study.

4. i’d like to see awith my parents this evening.

5. look, d**id and yang ling are at the bus


)1. –what’s your f**ourite holiday?

--my f**ourite holiday is .

a. childrens’ day b. children’s day c. childrens day

)2. the first day of the week is .

a. mondayb. sundayc. saturday

)3. –when is your birthday party?

three o’clock the afternoon.

a. at, onb. in, atc. at, in

( )4. he usuallyshopping with his mother at the weekends.

a. gob. goesc. going

( )5is it now?

it’s half past nine.

a. what time b. what date c. what day

)6.–the manbig eyes is su hai’s father.

a. with b. in c. on

)7. —what’s your father’s

he is a worker.

a. job b. name c. address

)8. my dog is fatter than

a. him b. he c. his

) my sister __in the classroom.

a. read b. reads c. is reading

) 10.--where are the films?

they aren’t in my bag. they here just now.

a. wereb. arec. was

) 11.–“happy birthday to you

a. all right b. thank youc. let’s wait and see

) is sports day, all the students are very .

a. excitingb. excitec. excited

) is cold today, you must __your coat.

a. take off b. put on c. pick up

) sports meeting tomorrow.

a. takes part in b. took part in c. is going to take part in

) 15. —do you h**e any hobbies?

yes, i do. i like

a. take photos b. taking photo c. taking photos



mike to school fromfriday.

2、——他有一些兄弟或姐妹吗? —是的,他有一个弟弟。

---does heany brotherssisters?

---yes, he has a brother.


tom and ia walk near the lake

4、——花园里有什么? —有许多花草和树木。

---whatin the garden?

---theremany flowers and trees.

5、——山姆跑步比杰克慢吗? —不,他跑得比杰克快。

sam run slower than jack?

-- no, he runsthan jack.



---what you do last sunday?

---weto the cinema.

we areto watch a japanese cartoon week.



shanghai is a big 1 . many people want to visit it in this summer. mary is an 2 girl.

she will come to shanghai from new york 3 . from the internet, she knows it’s sunny and 4 in summer in shanghai. so mary will take some t-shirts and skirts.

she also wants to find a chinese friend to be her guide(导游), because her 5 is not very good. she thinks she will h**e a good time in china.



little peter is nine years old.. and now he is in grade three. he lives not far from the school, but he is often late for class.

he likes watching tv in the evening and goes to bed late, so he can’t get up early in the morning. this term, mrs. black, peter’s aunt, teaches in peter’s school.

she asks peter to come to school earlier. this morning, peter got up late again. when he ran to school, it was a quarter past eight.

his aunt was waiting for him at the school gate.


考试时间为100分钟 听力部分 30分 一 听音判断 听对话,判断所听内容与是否图意相符,相符的在括号内打 不相符的打 4分 二 听录音,然后给图标上序号 6分 三 根据听到的句子,选择正确的答句 10分 1.a.yes,it s newb.no,i can t.c.yes,please.2.a.i...


一 填空题 1 6每题 1分,7 11每题 2分,共 16分 1.3050米 千米 4090毫升 升 3 的分数单位是 再加上 个这样的单位正好是最小的质数。4 a 2 2 3,b 2 3 5,a和b的最大公因数是 最小公倍数是 5 四百八十亿七千零六万写作 改写成 万 作单位的数写作 省略亿后面的...


2012年辛家沟镇中心小学六年级质量抽查考试。数学试卷。准考证考姓名 一 填空 14分 1 按规律填数1,3,7,13 21 2 2小时40分 小时。3 450立方分米立方米。4 18立方米。6 时针在9点时,分针和时针组成的角是 度。7 32的 比25的40 多6。8 一个三位数,百位上是最大的一...