
发布 2024-02-14 04:00:10 阅读 3905


listening (40%)

i. 听录音,找出你听到的单词,将编号写在括号内。(念两遍)(10%)

ii. 听录音,找出你听到的句子,将编号写在括号内。(念两遍)(10%)

) 6. a. can you buy me some bread?

b. can you buy me some butter?

c. can you buy me some hamburger?

) 7. a. he wants a glass to put his apple juice in.

b. he wants a glass to put his orange juice in.

c. he wants a glass to put his juice in.


iv. 听录音中的问句,选择正确的答句。(念两遍)(6%)

) 12. a. i like milk. b. i like bread. c. he likes bread.

) 13. a. i’m 84kg. b. i’m 160cm. c. i’m taller than tim.

v. 听录音, 判断正误,正确的用“a”表示,错误的用“b”表示。(念两遍)(5%)

)14. amyis taller thanmary

)15. mary is thinner than amy

)16. peter is older and taller thansam

vi. 听录音,选择正确的单词填空,将编号写在括号内。(念三遍)(5%)

splendid china is the17) model park in the world. it has the model of the18) wall in the world, the great wall, but it is much19) than the real one.

) 17. a. big b. bigger c. biggest

) 18. a. long b. longer c. longest

) 19. a. small b. smaller c. smallest

writing (60%)

i. 选择填空。(15%)

) 20. mulan isbecause she isthan cinderella.

a. better / most exciting b. better / more exciting

c. best / most exciting d. best / more exciting

) 21. yesterday was sports day. pat was __the long jump and the high jump.

a. on b. at c. ind. to

) 22. lion team won 20 medals. they won the most medals and they were __the first place.

a. on b. at c. ind. to


)23. november is cold. but december is much cold than november.

a bc d

)24. which city is larger, beijing and guangzhou

a b cd

)25. jack is naughty. mike is very naughtier than jack

ab c d


i like the mouse and the lion. it’s an __26) story. the lion is __27), but it’s not __28).

the mouse is29) than the lion.

) 26. a. interesting b. beautiful c. funny

) 27. a. beautiful b. strong c. hardworking

) 28. a. smart b. strong c. hardworking

) 29. a. smart b. smartest c. smarter


)30. first, boil some noodles for three minutes. take out the noodles.

)31. then fry some pork in a wok.

)32. next, put in the noodles and add some cabbage, carrots and beans.

)33. finally, add some salt and fry the noodles, pork and vegetables.


at the supermarket, a customer was complaining to the shop assistant.

customer: i don’t want this box of food34)

assistant35) you know, food cannot be returned after it is sold.


assistant: how can you prove that this is fake food?

customer37) the date is: june 31, 1996. how can you prove that there are thirty-one days in june?


if you are in a hurry and you want to h**e a quick meal, there is no better place than a self-service restaurant. you go into the restaurant, then pick up a tray(托盘), knife, fork and spoon. next you can pick out the food you like and put them on your tray.

then you take the tray to any table you like. you can sit alone or with another customer. you can h**e a good meal in ten minutes.

and there is no waiter, you don’t h**e to give a tip. finally you go to the cashier’s (收银台) and pay for(付钱)your meal.

) 38. you can h**e a quick meal in a self-service restaurant.

) 39. there is a knife, a fork and a spoon on the table. but you need to pick up a tray by yourself.


说明 1 本卷满分100分,其中听力部分40分,笔试部分60分。先考听力,接着进行笔试。全卷考试时间为60分钟。2 听力内容读两遍,听力考试时间约20分钟。听力部分。一 听录音,选择与录音相同的答案,并把答案前面的字母编号填在括号里。本题共10分,每小题1分 1.a.steakb.snakec.sk...


姓名分数 一 从a b c d中选择其画线部分读音与其他三个不同的一项,将其答案的序号填在题前的括号内。10分 1 a lake b grade c h e d name 2 a where b chair c near d pair 3 a look b good c food d cook 4 ...


2010 2011学年度第二学期。学校姓名座号分数。一 把你听到的单词 词组的序号填在题前得括号内 10分 1 a exercise b excited c expensive 2 a loudlyb quickly c quietly 3 a plentyb healthy c unhealthy...