
发布 2024-02-09 23:15:12 阅读 4197


在星期五下午look for跑得快h**e a good time上车take part in在……前面collect stamps去购物the great wall二。选择题。(20分)

) 1.—who’s taller than wang bing?—a.

i i yang ling does.()2. what animal is her cousin going to?

a. look atb. lookc.

looking at() 3his uncleany books?a. do, h**eb.

does, hasc. does, h**e() 4. who do you want to.

a. write tob. writec.

writing to

) 5.—whose hairdryer is it?—a.

it’s herb. they’re hersc. it’s hers.

()6.—where were you last weekend?—a.

she was at i was at i were at home.()7. my fatherevery ranb.

runc. runs

)8.—what’s the weather like there?—it usuallya.

rainb. rainyc. rains()9bird is bigger, the blue one or the red one?

a. whichb. whosec.

who’s()10.what are the twin sisters doing?—_a. they’re she’s they’re jogging.

()11. i would likeyou my new to showb. showc.

showing()12. i am going toin the small towntwo weeks.

a. live, forb. live, toc. living, for

) 13.—do the girls in red jump higher than the girls in green?

?a. yes, they yes, they yes, she does.

) 14. my unclevery well inten years does, swimmingb. did, swimmingc.

did, swim() 15. do you h**e anya. apples or orangesb.

an apple or an orangec. apples and oranges() 16. a:

it’s a white shirt , is it yours ? b: no.

_is yellow .a. ib.

myc. mined. me()17.

_any men in the room ?a. is thereb.

are therec. there aren’td. there isn’t() 18 .

classesbeginsevenfifty -five .a . inb .

onc . atd . for() 19.

.onb . inc .

atd . of() sc . classmates'd .

classmatesof二.用所给词的正确形式填空:(12分)1not draw) on the wall.

2. when___you __go ) to school this morning?i __go) to school at seven.

3. jim speaksfrance)4. my birthday is on the __three) of july.

5who) mirror is it? is it __your)?no, it’s not __i).

english __be) a big cake and some fruit on the table.8. tom___h**e) a birthday party every year.


) 1. what can she do ?a.

she always goes to the zoo.()2. here’s a chair for yes, i’d love to.

()3. how much are these apples?c.

it’s on nanjing road() 4. where are you going?d.

about ten yuan.()5. are you as tall as him?

e. she can play the piano.()6.

where’s the bookshop?f. thank you.

) 7. would you like to come?g.

no, i am taller than him.()8. how does she spend her weekends?

h. i’m going to the playground.四。


)1. my birthday is on first of aprilabcd()2. i’d like to some balloonsab

) ben and his brother like cartoonsabcd

) are talk about the weather in nanjingabcd() do it meanabcd

) h**e a chinese friendabcd五。下列句子重新排序。(4分)六。根据句意填空:(6分)

likebest. because it’s snowy. i can make snowmen.

2. she wants to write ato her penfriend .3.

there are five pin my are so many presents under the___tree .5. wcamera is that?

it’s mine.6..his grandpa needs a pair ofwhen he reads news*****s.


1. he does well in maths. (改为否定句2.

mike is shorter than me.(改为同义句3根据答句提问题)i play the piano.

4. this computer is my father’s.(对画线部分提问5.

there are some old men in the classroom?(改为单数句6. i go to school by bus every day.


1.—我的书包比你的重。my schoolbag is __than __

2.—昨天上是六一儿童节。你们干什么的?ityesterdayyou __


what __theythey’re __a chinese lesson .


__you give a card to your english teacher __teachers’day九。阅读短文。(10分)

my family live in a big house in nanjing. in the morning, my father goes to work. my two sisters—ann,maryand i go to school.

my father takes us to school every day. my mother doesn’t work. because she can’t speak anychinese.

she cleans all the rooms every day. she has lunch at home and then visits her friends in the afternoon. shewants to go back to england very much.

dad is very busy every day . my sisters and i come home by bus together at5:10 in the afternoon.

my father gets home at 6:30. my mother cooks dinner for us and we h**e supper together athome.

i think i h**e a happy family.

) 1. my family are now in china.()2. my parents h**e two children.

) 3. my mother can speak a little chinese.()4.

my sisters and i come home by car.()5. my father isn’t free every day.

miss gao is our teacher. she likes to tell us about her weekends. she

usually gets up early on saturday. she exercises in the garden for about half she has her doesn't do housework in the morning. sheoften plays with her dog for about two hours in the park..

the dog runsandjumps happily. she has lunch at a small restaurant near her home. she doesn'ttake a bus home.

she enjoys walking down the street and saying hello to herneighbors. in the afternoon, she cleans her house. she often cooks dinner forherself.

then she watches tv. she enjoys her weekends very much..(1.

miss gao __early and __in the garden on saturday .

a. get up ; exerciseb. gets up , exercisesc.

gets up , exercise() 2. she doesn't __in the morning .a.

get upb. h**e breakfastc. do housework() 3.

who does she often play with in the park

a. her neighborsb. her dogc.

her teacher() 4. she___in the afternoon .a.

exercisesb. cleans her housec. watches tv() 5.

she often __fora. walks ; her neighborsb. watches tv ;herselfc.

cooks dinner ;herself

)which season do you like best?()how about you?()i like autumn best.()me, too.


2012年回龙小学六年级英语模拟试卷。一 将所给单词的大小写字母相互转换,并写出单词的中文意思。5分 door badcoldfeverhigh 二 根据汉语提示选择正确的字母组合成单词或短语,并将正确答案的番号填入题前的括号内。7分 1 n ty 淘气的 a ough b augh c iugh ...


考试时间为100分钟 听力部分 30分 一 听音判断 听对话,判断所听内容与是否图意相符,相符的在括号内打 不相符的打 4分 二 听录音,然后给图标上序号 6分 三 根据听到的句子,选择正确的答句 10分 1.a.yes,it s newb.no,i can t.c.yes,please.2.a.i...


学校班级姓名评价。listening 40 i.听录音,找出你听到的单词,将编号写在括号内。念两遍 10 ii.听录音,找出你听到的句子,将编号写在括号内。念两遍 10 6.a.can you buy me some bread?b.can you buy me some butter?c.can ...