
发布 2024-02-13 09:25:11 阅读 8519



door badcoldfeverhigh


)1、n ty 淘气的 a、ough b、augh c、iugh

)2、ab t关于 a、ou b、au c、cu

)3、home 家庭作业 a、work b、wirk c、werk

)4、 day星期一 a、men b、man c、mon

)5、 work家务 a、house b、horse c、hair

)6、s ong强壮的 a、dr b、tr c、br

)7、v ce声音 a、oi b、oy c、ir

)8、w st西边 a、o b、ec、i

)9、st op停止 a、o b、ec、i

)10、 ide骑 a、w b、h c、r

)11、a 有一点 a、bit b、few c、lot

)12、the palace颐和园 a、summer b、summer c、children

)13、 music流行** a、class b、pop c、popular

)14、fall 跌落a、of b、off c、from


)1、a、good b、bad c、nice d、worse

)2、a、brother b、sister c、boy d、mother

)3、a、flute b、play c、guitar d、drum

)4、a、twenty b、thirteen c、eighteen d、train

)5、a、yellow b、pink c、white d、near

)6、a、house b、station c、supermarket d、next to

)7、a、colour b、i c、she d、he

)8、a、pencil b、red c、kite d、computer

)9、a、table tennis b、basketball c、interesting d、football

)10、a、hill b、turn right c、turn left d、go straight on


)1. what’s your f**ourite song, ms smart? a. yes, it is.

)2. can you run fastb. happy new year, too.

)3. who is that little boyc. it’s tom.

)4. what’s this, he does.

)5. does daming like bananase. i watched tv.

)6. are you naughtf. it’s a chair.

)7. is it in the green bagg. yes, he is.

)8. happy new yearh. it’s the abc song.

)9. what did you do yesterdayi. yes, i am.

)10. is sam stronger than linglingj. no, i can’t.


)1. it’s in autumn.

)2. there many boats on the river.

)3.--will you go to the great wall?

i will i will c. i will go to the park.

)4.--where are you from?

am london. am from london. c. i live in london.

)5. my sister is two years than me.

)6. america is also called .

uk usa prc.

)7.--were you very naughty?

a. yes,i were was

) will her mother on monday.

) happened your head, daming?

)10. i had two yesterday, and today i had a stomacheache.

a. watermelon b. watermelons c. chocolate

)11. we can see interesting things.

of ) is the erhu.

a. playb. to

) is of china.

the north. the south. the east.

) i tv.

)15.--why won’t you go out (出去) to play?

a. because


1. america, engish, in, people, speak(.)

2. bigger, tianjin, is, than, beijing(.)

3. beijing, windy, be, in, it, will(.)

4. nice, a, day, was, it(?)


)1. i get up in seven o’clock.

a b c )2. what’s you name?

a b c )3. i am going to swimming in the sea.

abc )4. london is the capital of china.

a b c


一。英汉互译。在星期五下午look for跑得快h e a good time上车take part in在 前面collect stamps去购物the great wall二。选择题。20分 1.who s taller than wang bing?a.i i yang ling does.2...


考试时间为100分钟 听力部分 30分 一 听音判断 听对话,判断所听内容与是否图意相符,相符的在括号内打 不相符的打 4分 二 听录音,然后给图标上序号 6分 三 根据听到的句子,选择正确的答句 10分 1.a.yes,it s newb.no,i can t.c.yes,please.2.a.i...


学校班级姓名评价。listening 40 i.听录音,找出你听到的单词,将编号写在括号内。念两遍 10 ii.听录音,找出你听到的句子,将编号写在括号内。念两遍 10 6.a.can you buy me some bread?b.can you buy me some butter?c.can ...