
发布 2024-02-14 04:00:10 阅读 7884





) a. window c. how

) 2. actor

) 3. who

) 4. think


1. our principal isi, s, c, r, t, t) but kind.

2. there is a longd, i, r, e) over the river

3. i am sick today i h**e at, a, o .h, e, o, t, c, h).i can, t eat anything

4. jack has nothing to do. he feelsd, r, b, e, o)

5. my dad is anc, c, a, a, n, o, u, t, n, t,) e is good at math

6. there are many green trees on t, n, o, u, m, n,)


abcd ) 1. potato eggplanttomato pork

) 2. news***** grapessings green beans

) 3. watched playedexcited lived

) 4. thinner bigge***tter writer


比较级) 比较级 ) 序数词)

宾格) 过去式 ) 现在分词)

过去式) 8. fly __第三人称单数) 复数)复数)


) are you

a. i’m well. b. how do you do? c. how are you?

) do you do

a. i’m well. b. how do you do? c. how are you

) 3._who is he

a. he is tom. b. he is an engineer c. he is10.

) 4.-what is he

a. he is tom. b. he is an engineer c. he is 10

) 5._are these potatoes tasty

they are b. yes, there are c. no, they are

)6._are there any potatoes in the kitchen

a, yes, they are. b. yes, there are c. no, they are

)7._what was the date yesterday

a, it is tuesday b,it is may29th was may29th.

)8. 当你打**,想知道接**的人是否是mary 时,你该如何询问?

a.this is mary. b. is that mary? c. are you mary?


a. greatb. i feel sickc. i’m sorry to hear that.


a. thank you! b. you tooc. happy birthday!



)1lucy active?

a. doesb. do c. is

)2. what do you h**edinner today?-i h**e fish and tofu.

a. forb. of c. on

)3. mike canthe dishes.

a. doesb. do c. did

)4. theremuch apple juice in the glass.

a. h**eb. are c. is

)5. tommuch more. he is a boss.

a. h**eb. has c. there is

)6. are therepandas in the forest?

a. anyb. ac. some

) you likecoffee?

a. anyb. a c. some:00

)8. lily usuallyat i oftenat

a. studies, study b. study, studies c. studies, study

)9. let’stv together.

a. watching b. watches c. watch

)10. i can’tmy sister can’t

a. swim, swim b. swim, swim, either c. swim, swim, either

)11. little bill likes winter best, because he can playsnow.

a. for b. with c. in

)12. in china, fall is fromto

a. september, november b. december, february c. march, may

)13. john’s birthday isaugust. it’saugust 22nd.

a. in, inb. on, on c. in, on

)14. –peter, where is your little sister? i can’t find her. -shein her bedroom.

a. draws pictures b. drawing pictures c. is drawing pictures

)15. –dadmomdinner in the kitchen? i am hungry!

yes. dinner will be ready soon.

a. is, cooking b. does, cook c. is, cook

)16. –where is the hospital? –it’s norththe post office.

a. for b. on c. of

)17. –excuse me. how can i get to the library?

–start from here. go east15 minutes, you can find it.


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