
发布 2024-01-29 18:20:02 阅读 2805


一、从a b c d中选择其画线部分读音与其他三个不同的一项,将其答案的序号填在题前的括号内。(10分)

( )1 a lake b grade c h**e d name

( )2 a where b chair c near d pair

) 3 a look b good c food d cook

) 4 a already b really c head d breakfast

) 5 a short b horse c worker d forty

) 6 a uncle b drink c language dstand

) 7 a whose b those c photo d nose

) 8 a half b past c water d banana

) 9 a nothing b these c thank d thirty

) 10 a put b student c excuse d new


begin(现在分词) good (副词)__child (复数)__

sun(形容词)__late(反义词) _same(反义词) _


they (名词性物主代词)__he(反身代词much (最高级shine ( 现在分词)__this (复数) _be (现在分词___


1) he is i in music.

2) the girls are w___beautiful blouses.

3) w___is the middle day of the week.

4 ) what’s your f___sport?

5) mother’s day is the s___sunday in may.

6) xiao ming is gong to meet his father at the r___station.

7) they’re my good f

8) i’ll wait for you at the s___don’t be late for the train.

9) c___day is coming.

10) those boys are at the s___age.


) 1 is your brother a teacher __a doctor?

a and b or c but d so

) 2 you often go and help grandma wang,__

a aren’t b don’t you c doesn’t d isn’t you

) 3 here are your shoes .please put __on.

a that b it c their d them.

) 4 look at this hat, i think it’s __

a her b lucys’ c lucy d lucy’s

) 5 you had better __late for class,li ming.

a not to be b don’t c don’t be d not be

) 6 there __a lot of animals in the zoo.

a is b has c are d h**e

) 7here is __basket. _basked is mine.

a a a b the the c a the d the a

) 8 the blacks __going to beijing tomorrow.

a won’t b is c will d aren’t

) 9 you must take a book __you.

a for b with d on d to

) 10 that isn’t __shirt. it’s __

a yours , sam’s b your sam c your , sam’s d yours sam

) 11 he has four __

a knife b knifes c knives d knives

) 12 would you go and buy___pears?

a some b any c much d a lot

) 13 please give __your pen, _isn’t here.

a i my b mine i c me my d me mine

) 14 look, there’s __a” on the blackboard.

a a b an c some d the

) 15 can you count __one __ten?

a from in b for in c from to d for to


1 jack can speak english very well.(用chinese改选择疑问句)

___jack speak english __chinese very well?

2 they will sing an english song构成反义疑问句)

3 marry lives in london.(变一般疑问句)

__ marry___in london?

4 there is no air on the moon构成反义疑问句)

5 kate usually goes home once a week.(对画线部分提问)

__ does kate __home?

6) it takes me forty yuan to buy the new shoes.

__ does it take you to buy the new shoes?

7) we are going to meet at the shool gate at two o’clock.

___and __are you going to meet?

8) that girl speaks german very well.

does that girl speak very well?

9) that is mr wang

10) what are those? _sheep.


1 dick often __go) out on sunday.

2 joan __not finish) his homework, he___do) now.

3 would you like __go) the zoo, tomorrow?

4 listen! the children __sing ) on the playground.

5 you’d better __keep ) the classroom clean.

6 wang fei always __help) grandpa wang with the housework.

7 i don’t know how __get ) there.

8 there __be) a football match in the stadium tomorrow afternoon.

9 what about __go ) out for a walk?

0 what are the children __do) over there?

they’re __write) to their friends.


what can i do __you?

i’d like a __of shoes.

what __do you like?

i like white very much.

what __the one __the left?

it __very nice .can i __them on?

__ her you __

how __are they?

thirty-five yuan.



it正在下大雨) outside, the children不得不)stay at home.

2 miss lin教我们英语), she teaches very well.


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说明 1 本卷满分100分,其中听力部分40分,笔试部分60分。先考听力,接着进行笔试。全卷考试时间为60分钟。2 听力内容读两遍,听力考试时间约20分钟。听力部分。一 听录音,选择与录音相同的答案,并把答案前面的字母编号填在括号里。本题共10分,每小题1分 1.a.steakb.snakec.sk...