
发布 2024-02-13 18:00:07 阅读 1329



反义词比较级比较级副词)__过去式)__过去式) _同音词)__形式复数序数词。



)1. 当你想知道对方是否喜欢学英语,问:

do you like best? b. do you like english? c. i like english very much

)2. 当你想知道小云的爸爸是干什么的,问:

a. what do you do? b. what does your father do? c. what does she do?

)3. 当你想知道对方接下来要干什么时,问:

a. what are you going to do? b. what are you doing? c. what do you do?

)4. 当你想知道雨是从**来时,问:

a. where is the eraser? b. where does the rain come from? c. where is it from?

)5. 当你想知道别人的爱好时,问:

a. what’s your name? b. what’s her hobby? c. what’s your hobby?

) 6. 当你打算去买漫画书时,说: a. i’m going to buy a magazine.

b. i’m going to buy a dictionary. c. i’m going to buy a comicbook.

)7. 当你想了解物品的颜色时,问:

a. what is thisb. what’s thatc. what color is it?

)8. 当你要了解别人会不会游泳时,问: a. do you like swimming?

b. can you swimc. i like swimming.

)9. 当你想知道这星期六的天气如何时,问:

a. it’s saturday todayb. what does the saturday like?

c. what is the weather like this saturday?

)10. 当你想知道钢笔放在哪儿时,问:

a where is the eraser? b. where is the penc. where is it from?

三。读一读,选择正确答案并将序号填在括号里 (20分)

)1. -sam is 160cm tall. ted is 10cm taller than him. how tall is ted?

a. 150cmb. 160cmc. 170cm

)2. -what's the matter? -my leg __

a. hurtsb. sorec. is hurts

)3did you go on your holiday? -shanghai.

a. whatb. wherec. how

)4. he often play piano, but he doesn’t play ping pong

a. the, the b. thecd. /the.

)5.--did you __pictures yesterday?

a. takeb.

) is than mike

a. thinb. thinerc. thinner

)7. monkey do you like ? i like the yellow one .

a. whob. whatc. which

) do you feel

feel tiredb. her leg hurtsc. the weather is hot.

)9. did you do on your holiday?

a. whob. whatc. where

) imountains.

a. climbedb. am going to climb c. climbing

四。 连词成句 (10分)

on you go your holiday did

with you what’s the

do you what on weekend do usually

much am than i taller

i’m tomorrow my going grandparents to


ab( )old are youa.. there are five.

( )2. how many people are there in your family? b. i’m 12.

( )3. how tall are youc. how do you do.

( )4. how much is your t-shirt? d. it’s about 6300 kilometers long.

( )5. how do you usually go to schoole. on foot.

( )6. how long is changjiang river? f. it’s about 10 minutes by bike.

( )7. how high is that mountaing. over 1000 kilometers high.

( )8. how far is it from your home to your school? h. thirty yuan.

9. how are youi. i’m 158cm tall.

( )10. how do you doj. thank you.

( )11. how clever(聪明)you arek. fine. thank you

六。仿照例子写句子 (8分)

例:i’m tall. your brother is short.→ i’m taller than your brother.

1. i’m 151cm tall. he is 154cm tall.→

2. chen jie is 30kg. amy is 31kg.→

3. miss white’s hair is short. sarah's hair is long.→

4、 my hands are small. your hands are big.→


11.4 听力部分 共30分 一 听录音。a.听辨单词 每小题1分,满分5分 选出所听句子里含有的那个选项。读两遍。1.a.tuesdayb.thursdayc.thirsty 2.a.walkb.talkc.take 3.a.beautifulb.butterflyc.beautifully 4....

小学教育 2024年小学六年级英语期末口语测试方案

一。测试时间。6月13号,6月16号,6月17号。二。测试内容。一 朗读课文。1.朗读下列其中一组单词。2 认读下列音标。3拼读单词。4 看图说话。二 情境反应。三 话题作文。说明 试卷共三大题,分a 优秀 b 良好 c 及格 d 待及格 四个等级。涉及朗读,快速应答,情境反应,看图说话,以及话题作...


2014年春学期苏教版小学语文六年级下册。期末复习模拟检测考试卷。班级姓名 一 字词练习 40分 1 看拼音写词语 10分。sh u hu zh u y b o m n w c i b n f n b g ng ji n l u w i xi w ng r qu b 2 选择带点字的正确读音,打 v...