
发布 2024-02-13 18:00:07 阅读 8057

一、字母书写用大写和小写两种字体抄写下列6个字母。 6分。

d j k p wy

二、寻找异类从a 、b 、c和d 四个选项中选出一个不同类别的单词。 6分。

) blueb. yellow c. color d. brown

) b. nursec. pilot d. uncle

) b. dancing c. running d. ******

) coldb. tallc. fever d. headache

) elephant c. house d. horse

) day b. christmas c. thanksgiving d. september

三、选择填空从a 、b 、c三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的答案。 6分。


a. can i help you? b. what do you need? c. do you want anything?

) 2. ais the weather todayb: it’s snowy.

a. how’sb. howc. what

( )3. it’s seven o’clock. it’s time to

a. h**e the breakfast b. h**e lunchc. h**e breakfast

( )birthday is coming. let’s buy a present forb: ok.

a. sheb. himc. her

( )5. last sunday, sally and chen lin___swimming with their friends.

a. wentb. goesc. go to

( )some fruit juice in the cup.

a. there are

b. there is

c. we has

四、词语翻译写出所给汉语的英语单词。 6分。

1.哺乳动物2. 颐和园。

3. 牙疼4. 医院。

5. 火鸡6. 花展。

五、选词填空从所给单词中选择恰当的单词填入下列各题的空白处。 6分。

1. wang tao usuallyrice and vegetables for lunch at school.

2. my classmates arein the classroom now.

3. last summer holiday i stayed in shanghaimy friend tom.

4. i___at my home yesterday evening.

5. they___go to hainan for a holiday next year.

6. what class___your sister h**esize s.

六、连词成句用所给单词组成一个正确的句子。 4分。

1. day, is, what, today

2. up, she, at, seven, gets, usually

3. i, to , a, going, take, with, am, me, camera

4. how, are, sheep, in, there, zoo, the, many

七、阅读理解根据短文内容完成正误判断和句子填空。 6分。

jim is an english boy. he comes to china with his father and mother. they come here to work.

jim comes here to study.

he is in no.5 middle school. he gets up early every day.

he isn’t late for school. he can read english well but he can’t speak chinese. he often helps us with our english, and we often help him with chinese.

after class he likes playing football. he makes many friends here. we are glad to stay with him.

on sunday he often helps his mother with the housework, or do the shopping. he likes chinese food very much.。

he likes living here. he likes chinese students very much. we all like him, too.


( )1. jim is from england.

( )2. jim comes to china to work.

) 3. jim makes many friends in england.

( )4. jim is good at english.


5. jim and hisstay in china.

6. jim often helps his mother tothe housework.


小学英语毕业会考模拟测试。一 字母书写,用大写和小写两种字体抄写下列6个字母。fijlpy 2 寻找异类,从a b c 和d四个选项中选出一个不同类别的单词。1a.sunday b.week c.monday d.friday 2a science b.pe c.subject d.chinese ...


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