
发布 2024-02-13 18:00:07 阅读 9229



hello. my name is jack. i h**e一位新笔友).

he住在英格兰). he喜欢收集邮票). his father is工程师).

he can设计小汽车). his mother is售货员).she often做家务) on weekends.

she想去旅行) this weekend. john’s school is very far. he去上学) by bike.

look! he骑单车) now. he’s coming here.


a.活到老,学到老。 b.温故而知新。 c.一寸光阴一寸金。

d.患难见真交。 e.善始善终。。

1. look for the old so as to learn the new

2. live and learn

3. time is money

4. a good beginning makes a good ending

5. a friend in need is a friend indeed


mother’s day九月十日。

father’s day三月八日。

thanksgiving day六月份的第三个星期天。

teacher’s day十一月份的第四个星期四(美国)

children’s day五月份的第二个星期天。

women’s day六月一日。


i’m jack. in my classroom, tom’s desk is next to john’s desk. john’s desk is in front of wu yifan’s desk and tom’s desk is in front of my desk.

my desk and wu yifan’s desk are behind their desks. zhang peng’s and amy’s desks are behind our desks. zhang peng’s desk is behind my desk and amy’s desk is behind wu yifan’s desk.

五、阅读短文,排序。( 今天,mr green的单车坏了,在走路去学校的路上,遇到mr wu,于是两人交谈起来。)(16%)

that’s right. and the air today is clean. what about you?

do you often come to school by bike?

broken (坏了)? oh, i see.

morning, mr wu! you’re walking today. don’t you usually come to school by bike?

why not?

yes, i do. but i sometimes walk. i like walking.

my bike is broken.

walking is good. look at the sun. it’s a fine day for walking today.

yes, but not today.


animal wears big black glasses on its face?

2. it is yours, but others use it more often than you do. what is it?

it’s your

3. it’s light. it’s white.

it’s cold. it looks like a flower. it often appears (出现) in winter.

what is it

4. dad bought (买) a gift for xiaoqiang. but xiaoqiang kicked(踢)it

has no legs ,but can walk all day and all night?

6. what does “sars” stand for (代表) in chinese?


jack is playing with a ball in front of a house. an old woman walks up to him. “my boy,” she asks.

“is your father at home?”

“yes.” jack says. the woman begins to ring the door bell, but there is no answer.

she rings the door bell again. there is still no answer. the woman is not happy.

she turns to john and asks again, “is your father at home?”

yes, he is.” jack answers. “but i ring the door bell twice and nobody comes to open the door.

” the woman says.

oh, i’m sorry. this is not my house. my house is over there.”


1) jack is playing with a ball near a house.

2) the old woman rings the door bell only once (一次).

3) the old woman isn’t happy because there is no one in the house.

4) jack’s father isn’t at home.

5) jack is playing in front of his own house.


1) what dose the old woman want to do?

a. she wants to play with jack.

b. she wants to ring the door bell.

c. she wants to see jack’s house.

d. she wants to see jack’s father.

2) how many times does the woman ring the door bell?

a. once. b. many times. c. twice. d. three times.

3) why is the old woman not happy?

a. because she can’t go into the house.

b. because there is no one in the house.

c. because jack’s father doesn’t want to see her.

d. because jack doesn’t want her to see his father.

4) who is wrong?


班级 姓名 座号 评分 一 按要求完成短文。20 hello.my name is jack.i h e一位新笔友 he住在英格兰 he喜欢收集邮票 his father is工程师 he can设计小汽车 his mother is售货员 she often做家务 on weekends.she想...

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