六年级英语毕业测试题 卷

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一、 选出所给单词的汉语意思或所给汉语相应的单词,将标号写在题前括号里。(每小题1分,共10分)

)1. bored a. 兴奋的 b. 无聊的 c. 生气的。

)2. present a. 父母亲 b. 准备 c. 礼物。

)3. relax a. 放松 b. 归还 c. 阅读。

)4. he**ier a. 重的 b. 更重的 c. 最重的。

)5. sore a. 疼的 b. 尺码 c. 有病的。

)6. 学习 a. le**e b. left c. learn

)7. 事情;麻烦 a. match b. matter c. meter

)8. 看,** a. wash b. watch c. worry

)9. 想;思考 a. think b. than c. ton

)10. 穿 a. bear b. wear c. hear


)1. stronger a. test b. tail c. taller

)2. visited a. swim b. rowed c. h**e

)3. chinese a. elephant b. english c. cat

)4. excited a. bored b. danced c. cleaned

)5. big a. taller b. longer c. small

三、 英汉互译。(每小题2分,共20分)

1. 感冒2. 上个周末。

3. 去游泳4. h**e a toothache

5. 学英语6. go ice-skating

7. 踢足球8. wash the clothes

9.去郊游(过去式形式 a book


1. do(过去式2. took(原形。

3. buy(过去式4. thin(比较级)__

5. big(比较级6. see(过去式。

7. angry(反义词8. younger(反义词)__

9. taller(原级10. eat(过去式。


)1. i’m a little __i want to h**e a rest.

a. tired b. thirty c. hungry

)2. i’m not feel very __

a. good b. well c. bad

)3. he has a headache. he should __

a. watch tv b. play football c. see a doctor

)4. what did you __yesterday ?

a. does b. doc. did

)5. my arms are __than yours.

a. long b. longer c. longest

)6do you go to school everyday ?

on foot.

a. what b. when c. how

)7. where did you go __your holiday ?

a. inb. onc. at

)8he**y are you ?

i’m 40kg.

a. what b. howc. where

)9. did you help them __their room ?

a. clean b. cleaning c. to clean

)10. i __my grandparents yesterday .

a. visit b. visits c. visited


1. lucy’s shoes aresmall) than amy’s.

2. pleasedo) your homework.

3. we wentfish) yesterday.

4. john iswash) his clothes.

5. shewatch) tv every day.


1. monkey, the, is, stronger, black

2. taller, you, me, are, than

3. play, can, piano, i, the

4. plane, going, we, by, are

5. did, there, you, go, how

八、认真读一读,并用1,2,3…将句子排序,使之构成完整的对话(第1句已给出)。 共10分)

1 )good morning, amy.

)i went to a park on foot. what about you, mike?

)fine, thank you. where did you go yesterday?

)good morning, mike. how are you?

)i stayed at home. oh, it’s time for class. let’s go.


a. by bus. b. i watch tv. c. it’s sunny.

d. it’s five hours by traine. yes, i can.

) the weather like today?

)2. how far is from nanjing to wuhan?

)3. can you sing the song?

)4. what do you do on sundays?

)5. how do you go home?


amy is sarah’s sister. amy is thirteen and sarah is fifteen. amy is shorter than sarah.

sarah’s hair is long and amy’s hair is short. they both like sports and dancing. amy is a good basketball player.

sarah is a good football player. yesterday, they both went to a park and sarah flew a kite. they had a good time.

)1. sarah is shorter than amy.

)2. sarah’s hair is longer than amy’s.


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