
发布 2024-02-12 16:15:03 阅读 6223



听力部分。一、 听句子,找出其中所包含的主要单词或词组。将其字母标号填到题前括号内。每句连读两遍。(10分)

)4. a.160cm b.164cm c.156cm

)5. fishing fishing hiking

)6. plane train subway

) the room the room the window

)10. a kite a bike a kite

二、听录音, 判断**是否与录音内容相符, 相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“√”不相符的打“×”8分)


)1. happy. b. i h**e a sore throat. wear size 17.

)2. i did. i don’t. c. i read books.

)3. 51kg. 155cm. 12 years old.

)4. taller tired. excited.

)5. a. no, they didn’t. we did. we are.


1. i was busy lastiwith tom.

2. i ’mthan you,and

3. imany pictures andgood food yesterday.

4. you look .what’s thei h**e a



1. you ,holiday, where, on, your, go, did,medicine, in, for, a, take, few, and, some, bed, days

3. and, i ,new ,sang ,with, friends, danced, my

4. the ,he ,into, and ,to, it ,jump, swam ,lake

5. your ,how, feet, are, big


10分) ) who are you going with?

) where are you going on your holiday?

) i’m going to visit stone forest.

) we are going by plane.

) i’m going to visit kunming.

) what are you going to do there?

) when are you going?

) how are you going to get there?

) i’m going with my mom and my dad.

) we’re going this weekend.


) apple b. lake c. sad d. happy

) c. see d. please

) c. how


)1. did youto the zoo yesterday?

a. went

) are you doing? ia letter.

a. writing b. is writeing writing

)3. the yellow monkey isthan the brown one.

)4. what’s the matter? my nose

hurt ) grandmother tomorrow.

a. visited to visit


一) 根据短文内容,判断句子的正误。对的在括号内填“ t ”,错的填“ f ”。

jim is an english boy. he is in no. 5 middle school.

he gets up early every day. he isn’t late for school. he can read and write english well.

he often helps us with our english, and we often help him with his chinese. after class he likes playing football, swimming, running, jumping and riding. he makes many friends here.

on sunday he often helps his mother clean the house, or do the shopping. he likes chinese food very much.

)1. jim gets up late every day.

)2. jim often teaches us english because he’s from america.

)3. after class , he likes singing and playing basketball.

)4. on sunday he often helps his mother clean the house.

)5. he doesn’t like chinese food.


during the summer holiday, my grandparents went to china. first they flew to beijing from london. then they went to guangzhou by train.

when they went to my home, i wanted to help my grandpa carry his he**y bag, but he did it by himself. they bought many presents for us. i got a dress.

my brother got a toy plane. they took many dried(干的) fruits for us, they grew(种植) them by themselves. my grandparents are farmers.

they are hard-working people.

) 1. where are my grandparents from? a. beijing. b. london.


学校班级姓名 座号。考试时间 30分钟,满分 100分 评分 一 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。注意大小写12分 1 c 2 m 3 s 4 r 二 仿照例词,写一写。10分 1 tall taller 2 old3 short 4 young5 big6 long 三 读一读,连一连。10分 疲劳的ex...


2013 2014 学年度小学英语毕业考试质量检测。校别姓名班别成绩 听力部分。一 你将听到一个单词,请根据读音选择正确的答案,每个单词读两遍。10分 1.a.playb.plane c.plate 2.a.waitb.want c.what 3.a.talkb.take c.tell 4.a.wo...


2012 2013 学年度小学英语毕业考试质量检测 人教pep 亲爱的同学们,经过六年的英语学习,有不少收获吧?在你离开母校之际,这份试卷将为你提供展示自己才华和学识的舞台,好好表现自己吧!为自己的童年图上最美 最亮的色彩!本试卷满分100分,答卷时间为60分钟。现在我们从听力开始吧!part 2 ...