
发布 2024-02-13 18:05:07 阅读 1125


一、 时态。

1 一般现在时。




i you we they 第一二和复数人称,动词用原形。

he she it 第三人称单数,动词用”s”形式。


1) 一般情况直接加“s”

如:read—reads play—plays eat—eats

2) 以o, sh , ch结尾,加“es”

如:do—does go—goes fish—fishes wash—washes


3) 辅音加y结尾,把y改为i,再加 “es”

如:fly—flies carry---carries study---studies cry-- cries

4) 特殊情况。


2 现在进行时。

1) 定义:表示某人正在做某事(事情或动作正在进行)

2) 动词结构: be doing sth. (be: is, am, are)

3) 时间标志: now , listen , look

如:(1) she is cooking now.

2) look, my sister is dancing.

3) listen, the boy is singing.

4)动词的现在分词 (即动词加ing形式)

a) 一般情况直接加ing.

如:play—playing eat—eating go—going

listen—listening open—opening

b) 以不发音e结尾,去掉e, 再加ing.

如:come—coming h**e—h**ing give—giving

live—living drive—driving ride—riding

write—writing dance---dancing use---using

practice---practicing exercise---exercising …

c) 重读闭音节,末尾的辅音字母要双写,再加ing.

如:sit—sitting get—getting put—putting run—running

swim—swimming shop—shopping jog---jogging

dig—digging begin---beginning

3 一般过去时。


时间标志:yesterday yesterday morning

an hour /a month ago 一小时/一个月之前)

last week/month/year the day before yesterday

1、 be(is, am, are)动词的过去式:

is , am --was are---were


i was he was she was it was 我和他她它用 was

you were we were they were你你们我们他们都是were

如:i was in canada last week.

we were in china yesterday.

一般疑问句直接将was, were提前。

如: were you in xinhui this morning?

yes, i was. no, i was not.

2、 动词的过去式。


1) 一般情况直接加ed

help---helped watch---watched cook---cooked

2) 以e结尾,直接加d 。

use---used practice---practiced exercise---exercised


3) 以辅音加y结尾,把y改成i再加ed 。

study---studied carry---carried cry---cried

4) 不规则的动词过去式:

go—went eat---ate write—wrote read—read

make—made ride—rode sing—sang drink—drank

see—saw blow—blew fall—fell sit—sat break—broke

sweep—swept take—took come—came say—said do—did



1)what did you do yesterday? i went to school yesterday.

(2)did you go to the beach after that? yes, i did. /no, i didn’t.



时间标志:(将来的时间词)tomorrow, tomorrow morning, tonight, the day after tomorrow, next week/month/year/monday…

动词结构: be going to +动词原形或will/shall+动词原形。


1) what are you going to do today? i’m going to write letters.

2) are you going to get a haircut? yes, i am. /no, i’m not.

3) what will you do tomorrow? i will shop for clothes.

4) shall we shop for coat later? ok, let’s go.



2)否定式:can’t (缩写) can not(分写)

3) 句子有can,动词要用原形。

we can ride a bike.


can you ride a bike? yes, i can. no, i can’t.

6、do 的用法。

1) 一般用于一般疑问句和特殊疑问句中,用来帮助动词,又叫助动词。

2) 变化形式:do 否定式don’t, do 第三人称单数 does

does 否定式 doesn’t, do 的过去式did

3) 人称搭配:i you we they 用助动词do

he she it用助动词 does

4) 一般疑问句中,直接将do/does/did 放在句首,动词用原形。

如:do you h**e rice for lunch? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

does your father work in a hospital? yes, he does. /no, he doesn’t.

did he read a book yesterday? yes, he did. /no, he didn’t.

5) 特殊疑问句中,do根据人称来变化,动词用原形。但是回答时句子的动词要根据人称而转换。

如:where do you work? i work in xinhui.

where does she work ? she works in an office.

二、词项。1 名词。

1) 分类:可分为可数名词和不可数名词。

2) 可数名词是有复数形式的(加s/es),而不可数名词没有复数形式。

3) 可数名词的复数形式:

1) 一般情况直接加s

book—books pen—pens bag—bags dog—dogs

2) 以s, x, ch, sh结尾,加es

box—boxes bus—buses watch—watches


3) 以fe结尾,把fe改为v,再加es。

如:(wife—wives妻子) knife—knives

4) 辅音加y结尾,把y改为i,再加es

family—families factory—factories baby—babies

body---bodies diary---diaries dictionary--dictionaries

(比较toy—toys boy—boys )

(5) 特殊有: sheep—sheep (不变)

(6)不规则变化有:man—men woman—women child—children foot—feet tooth—teeth mouse--mice

注意:tomato—tomatoes potato—potatoes ( 这两个单词以o结尾加es,其它的加s 如:kilo—kilos(公斤) zoo—zoos photo—photos radio—radios )

3、 代词。




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