
发布 2024-02-13 18:05:07 阅读 2791




2.寻找异类,从a、b、c 和d四个选项中选出一个不同类别的单词。

1a. sunday b. week c. monday d. friday

2a science b. pe c. subject d. chinese

3a. swim b. run c . sport d. ride

4a. bat c. mammal d. whale

5a. fever b. wrong c headache d. toothache

6a. white b. color c. brown d. black

3. 选择填空,从a、b、c三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的答案。

1.( awas the weather there? b: it was warm and sunny.

a. where b. howc. what

2. (a: the great wall is __than the white house.

a. bigger b. tallerc. longer.

3. (a. li hong usually gets up at 6:

30 in the morning. but this morning she __up at 7:30.

a. getb. getsc. got

4. (a : may i use your phone? b: _

a. good idea. b. thank you. c. sure. here you are.

5. (a: what does she dob: she is a __

a. workerb. farmc. sing

6there any flowers in your bedroom?

b: no, there aren’t.

a. isb. werec. are




五. 选词填空,从所给单词中选择恰当的单词填入下列各题的空白处。

1、 myare very nice. we often help each other.

2、 i h**e a fever. idrink a lot of water.

3、 there are many birdstrees.

4、 summer is coming. i’ll go

5、 i’m not good at my lessons. i’mabout my lessons.

6、 last winter vacation, isnowmen with my friends.

六. 连词成句,用所给单词组成一个正确的句子。

1. will holidays go you where the for

2. you wrong what’s with

3. phone what’s number your

4. airhostess wants an to be she

七. 阅读理解,根据短文内容完成正误判断和句子填空。

saying goodbye

many people are waiting for the train. some are reading the books and some are saying goodbye to their friends.

mr. wang, and mr chen are talking so happily that they don’t know the train is going to le**e. the guard says to them,”hurry up!

the train is going to le**e.” the three men hear the guard. two of them jump onto the train quickly before it moves.

mr. wang is left behind. he looks very sad.

the guard says to him,” don’t feel bad. the next train will come in ten minutes.” i know,” mr.

wang says,”it is my train . my friends only come to say goodbye to me.”


)1. mr. wang ,mr. li and mr. chen are talking at the station.

)2. mr. wang jumps onto the train.

)3. mr. chen and mr. li are mr. wang’s friends.

)4. mr. chen and mr. li really want to jump onto the train.


1. many people arefor the train.

2 .mrdoesn't jump onto the train. so he looks very sad.


一 字母书写用大写和小写两种字体抄写下列6个字母。6分。d j k p wy 二 寻找异类从a b c和d 四个选项中选出一个不同类别的单词。6分。blueb.yellow c.color d.brown b.nursec.pilot d.uncle b.dancing c.running d.co...


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