
发布 2020-07-31 01:59:28 阅读 1656







a1. what did your father do yesterday?

2. where are you going to visit for the winter holiday?

3. does “no smoking.” mean that you can sometimes smoke?

4. how many years ago were you five years old?

5. did you go to the great wall last week?

b1. when you see someone drinking juice in a bookshop, what would you say to

him or her?

2. we must protect the earth. what can you do?

3. is water useful or not?

4. do you often see some signs in streets?

5. where did you eat breakfast this morning?

c1. were you in suzhou ten years ago?

2. when is earth day?

3. what is the most important holiday in the uk?

4. are you going to watch fireworks tomorrow evening?

5. you can throw some rubbish in the cinema. right?



1. the sign i like

2. h**e a clean city

3. what i did yesterday

四、演唱歌曲或诵读sound time(10分)

采用抽签方式,在小学《英语》六年级上册的歌曲中确定一首歌曲或sound time中确定一篇。)

参***:一、朗读课文 (略)


a1. he went to work yesterday./ he took me to the cinema.

2. i’m going to visit beijing/ shanghai / for the winter holiday.

3. no, it doesn’t. /no, it doesn’t. it means we can’t smoke.

4. i was five seven years ago. /seven years ago i was five.

5. no, i didn’t.

b1. i would say, “you shouldn’t eat or drink here.”

2. i can s**e water, s**e energy and plant more trees.

3. it is very useful.

4. yes, i do.

5. i ate it at home./ i ate it in a snack bar.

c1. yes, i was. /no, i wasn’t. i was in ..then.

2. it is on 22nd april./ it’s on the twenty-second of april./ it’s on april the


3. christmas is. /it is christmas./ it’s christmas, i think.

4. no, i am not. /no, i don’t think i am.

5. no. i can’t throw any rubbish in the cinema.


1. i like this sign very much. it is “no smoking” .some people like smoking.

but i don’t. because smoking is not good for them. and it is not good for

us either. so don’t smoke and we can h**e clean air.

2. we live in our city. we love our city. so we must keep our city clean. we

should take the bus and the metro or walk to school. we must move some

factories away from our city. and we must put rubbish in the bin and plant

more trees. then we can h**e a clean city.

3. i got up early yesterday. after breakfast i went to the toy museum . i saw a

lot of toys in it. after that i watched a cartoon film in my f**ourite

cinema. then i came back home for lunch. in the afternoon, i had a rest

and did my homework. i helped my mother wash the dishes after dinner.

then i played with my lovely dog . it was great yesterday.



1. 朗读课文 (10分)

一档 (9—10分) 语音语调正确,朗读自然流利,且有节奏感。

二档 (6—8分) 语音语调基本正确,虽有一两处错误,但朗读还比较流利。

三档 (3—5分) 语音语调不够正确,朗读不够连贯,有些错误。

四档 (0—2分) 语音语调较差,朗读不连贯,错误较多。

2. 回答问题 (每小题2分,共10分)

一档 (2分) 意思明白,语音语调正确,词语语法合乎规范。

二档 (1分) 意思明白,语音语调基本正确,词语语法有些错误。

三档 (0分) 答非所问,或错误较多, 或不会回答。

3 话题简述 (10分)

一档 (9—10分) 语音语调正确,讲述连贯,表达清楚,不少于5句。

二档 (6—8分) 语音语调基本正确,表达比较清楚,不少于5句,但有些。

错误。三档 (3—5分) 语音语调基本正确,讲述不够连贯,不满5句或有些错误。

四档 (0—2分) 语音语调较差,错误较多;或只能说出一些与内容有关的。

单词。4. 演唱歌曲或诵读歌谣 (10分)

一档 (9—10分) 演唱或诵读自然流利,发音正确,且有节奏感。

二档 (6—8分) 演唱或诵读比较自然流利,发音较好,且有一定的节奏感。

三档 (3—5分) 演唱或诵读不够自然流利,发音不够好,或者只能唱出部分。

四档 (0—2分) 只能唱出一两句,或者只能断断续续地读几个词语。

注:口试成绩的评定可采用等级制: 优秀、良好、及格、不及格。分数转换为等级的方法如下:

优秀 (34分以上);

良好 (30分—33分);

及格 (24分—29分);

不及格 (23分以下)。

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