
发布 2024-01-29 18:20:02 阅读 8258




一。 听录音,找出与你所听到的内容相符的选项。(每个小题读两遍)

)1. a.5:15b.4:45c.5:50

)2. a. b. c

)3. a. 六月b. 四月c. 十月。

)4. a. 国庆节b. 中秋节c. 春节


三、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列**正误。符合图意的画 ,不符合图意的画。(每个小题读两遍)


)1. a. yes , i do. b. no , i didn’tc. yes , i am.

)2. a. they are under the bed.

b. they were near the table.

c. it’s under the desk.

)3. a. it’s in may.

b. it’s on the 25th of december.

c. it’s on the 1st of june.

)4. a. it’s myb. it’s mec. it’s mine.

)5. pull up carrots on a farm.

had a party.

c. i go to the park with my parents.

笔试部分。一。 判断对错。画线部分发音相同的打对号,不相同的打错号。

) lastb. had

) got

) party

) exciting

) look




front of


四。 根据句意,用所给词的正确形式填空。

are mychopstick ; chopsticks)?

watched) a film with his parents last sunday.

isin, on) september or october.

4.—where areour’s, ours)?

—here they are.

5.—whoseglasses ;glass) are these?

—they are hers.


1a. liu tao colleted the eggs for his grandparents.

h**e a present from my mum.

3c. the teapot is very beautiful.

4d. we cleaned the classroom yesterday.

5e. happy christmas day.

六。 阅读短文,选择填空。

my cousin jane’s birthday was last sunday. she was 10 years old. dad and mum took me to her house.

we went there by bus. she got many birthday presents. she liked them very much.

i made a card for her. her f**ourite present was a new bike from my parents. her dad g**e a watch to her.

her mum bought a beautiful dress for her. there were some presents from her friends. they are cds ,pictures, flowers, a lots of cards and a big birthday cake.

that day, we had a good time.

)1. how old was jane?

a. eleven

)2. who had a birthday party?

a. ib. janec. jane’s friend

)3. how did we go to the party?

a. on foot. b. by train. c. by bus.

)4. what’s her f**ourite present?

a. a cardb. a watch c. a bike.

)5. did she h**e a good time?

a. yes, she did. b. no, she didn’t. c. yes, he did.




听力部分。一。 bcca(8%)

二。 23541 (10%)

三。 (10%)

四。 abccb (10%)


二。 34251 (10%)

三。 1.上周、上个星期 2.春节 3.在…前面 4.下车 5.警察局、派出所(10%)

四。 1. chopsticks 2. watched (10%)

五。 1—d 2—e 3—a 4—c 5—b (10%)

六。 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. a(10%)


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学校2012 2013学年度上学期。六年级英语期末试题。出题人 part 口语部分 自述小chant,或结伴表演对话。10分 part 听力部分 10分 一 听录音,选择正确答案,选项写在题前括号中。5分 1.a.yesterday b.today c.day 2.a.same b.some c.t...


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