
发布 2024-01-29 18:15:02 阅读 7920




take a b_sh_sp talg_msl_delibr_ryflow_rssle_pb_idingsees_wu_e a t_leph_neb_ _ksh_lf( )

二、选择正确汉语意思的序号。 (共7分)

)a. just a moment ,please1.请汤姆接**,好吗?

)b. where are they2.它在办公楼旁边。

)c. may i speak to tom, please3. 请跟我来!

)d, it’s next to the office buiding4.他们在哪儿?

)e. my room is very nice! 5.我可以使用一下**吗?

)f. follow me , please6. 请稍等!

)g. may i use the telephone7. 我的房间很漂亮。


)1.在**中,”this is mary” 的正确译法是:



are youb. who is that ?

)3.“i bought a new cd . 的正确译法是:

a 我借了一盘新cd。b。 我买了一盘新cd。

) 4.“my mother is doing some washing. ”的正确译法是:

a.我妈妈正在洗一些衣服。 b。我妈妈正在做一些衣服。

)5. “我马上就到。”的英语表达法是:

a. i come here . b. i am coming soon .

)6.may i come in

a. yes , please ! b. it’s over there . c. yes , thanks

) want to say “happy birthday”! him.

) are really a nice boy

a i am not. b. thank you!

)9. may i speak to tomspeaking.

is tom am tom is tom

)10. where are linda and mary

is on the slide. b. they are on the seesaw.

) want to h**e breakfast __my father.

)12. shall we take a bus

a .no , it isn’t far . b. no , it is very far .

) want to h**e breakfast __my father.

) mary now?

) boys are the swings.


1、i wantsay) “hello”to them. 2、i h**e (a) ip card.

3、are there (some) children in the school? 4、we are going to seehe).

5、 the animals areplayhappy) in the park.

6、 heteach) us english. 7、let’s goskate).

8、a fox islook) at the grapes. 9、she (likesing).

10、you’d better (take) a taxi. 11、see you (late).

11、i send her some (coffee).


以my room为题,写一篇作文(不少于30个单词)

my room


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