
发布 2024-01-29 18:15:02 阅读 6873



【卷首语】 亲爱的同学,欢迎您走进圆梦!翻开昨天的一页,或许因一次的成功激动得热泪盈眶,或许曾因为一次的失败或失误而伤心绝望,或许在学习路上你早已迷失了自我,迷失了前进的方向……总之,走进圆梦,将是一个全新的开始,让我们一起努力,一起奋斗,赢在学习的起跑线上。ok?



)1)a. there are many books on the desk.

b. there are many ways to go somewhere.

c. there are many weeks in a year.

) 2) a. how do you go to canada?

b. how does he go to school?

c. how do you go to work?

) 3) a. in china, drivers drive on the right side of the road.

b. in the us, drivers drive on the right side of the road.

c. in england, drivers driver on the left side of the road.

) 4) a. i’m going to the big company.

b. i’m going to the bookstore.

c. i’m going to the great wall.

) 5) a. sometimes my aunt works in beijing.

b. sometimes my uncle walks in the park.

c. sometimes my uncle works in beijing.


( )he is a writer.

) she’s kate.

) he’s in england.

) i’m going to swim in the river.

) she goes to hong kong by plane.



1)look! the girlplay) with a cat.

2)iget) up at 6:30 every morning.

3)tom and igo) to the science museum tomorrow.

4)sarah is a good girl. she oftenhelp) old people.

5) -what's your hobby?



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1) on what do saturday are going you to morning

2) going tv together we to are watch

3) want i buy pair a shoes to of

4) can how i to get zhongshan park

5) the at lights look traffic


)1. does your pen pal live shanghai?

a. onb. atc. in

) 2. my mum likes

a. swims b. swimming c. swim

) 3. what your father

a. do, do b. does, does c. does, do

) 4. she is an actress tv.

a. onb. how c. at

) 5can the water become vapour ?

a. what b. how c. who

) 6. she goes to work foot.

a. byb. withc. on

) 7. my home is very near the school. it’s not

a. near b. nextc. far

) 8. i’m going to the supermarketmy sister.

a. andb. withc. be



hi, i am so happy to h**e a pen pal. my english name is mike. i live in jinan.

it is a beautiful city. i like drawing pictures and collecting stamps. my mother works in a school.

she is a teacher . she goes to work by bike. she teaches art.

she teaches me to draw sometimes. my father is an accountant(会计). he works in a big company.

he goes to work by bus. he likes collecting things, too. but he doesn’t collect stamps, he collects coins(硬币).

he has many beautiful coins. do you like collecting things? what do you collect?

write to me when you h**e time. your new pen pal.

1) what is mike’s hobby?

2 ) what does his mother do ?

3) how does his mother go to work?

4) what does his father do ?

5) where does his father work?



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