
发布 2024-01-29 18:15:02 阅读 8962


1. mum, can you讲个故事) to me?

2. why did they嘲笑) the king?

3. it is going to beand多云有风) tomorrow.

4. the长城) is the great building in china.

5. we can buy many things at the购物中心).

6. don’t eat or drink andthe library保持……干净).

7. to protect the earth, we shouldn’t频繁开车).

8. where are you going下周)?

9国庆节) is one of the main holidays in china.


1. it is alwaysrain) in spring here.

2. we shouldn’t waste toomany) wood.

3. don’t drive the car soquick)

4. my father can onlysmoking) in the kitchen.

5. water isuse). we use it to clean things.


1. look! the cheaters (**show) the special clothes to the king.

2the partygo) well?

er, it was good at first.

3. my mother likesdo) shopping on the internet.

4can) you spell ‘restaurant’ ten years ago?

5. weh**e ) a maths test (测验) tomorrow.

6. most of energycome) from the earth.

7. whyyoucall) me then (刚才)?

8. because yoube) absent. i didn’t see you at school.

9. running helps peoplekeep) fit.

10. the sign on the tree means you can’tlittering) here.


) 1. the teacher pointed __the words on the whiteboard.

a. tob. onc. at

) 2. the cook looks tall __the white hat.

a. withb. inc. on

) 3. _messy room!

a. howb. whatc. what a

) 4was your outing?

not bad.

a. howb. whatc. why

) 5. my parents are asking me __the art show.

a. aboutb. ofc. to

) 6. dad, can you pick the star __me?

a. tob. fromc. for

) 7. wow! the frog __a smart prince.

a. turn intob. turns intoc. turns

) 8chinese people are going to eat new year cakes.

a. at christmas b. before spring festival c. on chinese new year’s day

) 9. last week, i had got a toothache. i couldn’t eat __drink.

a. butb. andc. or

) 10. what __you feel angry?

a. makeb. makesc. ******


) 1. what happened

) 2. what day is today?

) 3. when is new year?

) 4. how was your weekend?

) 5. why are you so sad?

) 6. the boy turns into a girl.

) 7. can you make a sentence with “outing

) 8. please don’t take your dog into the shop.

) 9. what do you often do on chinese new year’s day?

)10. what are you going to do on chinese new year’s eve?


1. the two men showed his new clothes to the king. ***同义句)

the two men showed thehisclothes.

2. he read the news***** early this morning. ***一般疑问句)

hethe news***** early this morning?

3. lot, a, energy, use, of, cars (.连词成句,注意大小写及标点)

4. we should s**e trees because trees help keep the air clean. (对划线提问)

we s**e trees?

5. where were you last night? (根据实际情况回答)


dear justin,it is nice to g___your email. i’m eabout chinese new year too.

my family is busy sand doing some cthese days.

ochinese new year’s eve, we’re going to h**e nice fwith family. after that, we’re going to wspring festival gala (春节联欢晚会).

i dwatch the gala last year because i was at work. this year, i am going to ha lot of fun. would you like to jme?



the lantern festival is a chinese festival. it is in february or march, fourteen days after the spring festival. people usually go to enjoy lanterns in the streets or in the parks.

there are so many lanterns. children often hold little lanterns in their hands. they’re very excited.

sometimes we can enjoy fireworks at night. at the festival people eat small dumplings. in china people call them yuanxiao.

they taste delicious. what’s more, yuanxiao means family reunion (团圆) and happiness.


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