
发布 2024-02-09 06:35:12 阅读 7556






一、听录音, 选择正确答案,选项写在题前括号中。(5分)

)1. a. yesterday b. today c. day

)2. a. same b. some c. time

)3. a. subject b. safari c. shout

)4. a. watchb. water c. west

)5. a. fast b. fatc. fit

二、 听句子,根据问句选出恰当的答句,并将正确答案的选项写在题前括号中。(5分)

)1. a. i’m eleven. b. i like winter .

c. i’m 155 cm .

)2. a. yes , he is . b. no , he is .

c. i’m taller than you are . w w w .x k b o m

)3. a. go homeb. take a bus .

c. go down this street and turn left.

)4. a. it’s yellow . b. i like the red one

c . 60 dollars .

)5. a. yes , you canb. yes, it is.

c. no, it’s not.


一、写出下列单词的正确形式。(5分) x|k |b | 1 . c|o |m





9、do(过去式10、there is(缩写。



a. it’s sunday .

b. what day is it today ?

) 2、你想向别人借相机。

a. can i take a message ?

b. can i borrow your camera?

) 3、我害怕老虎,我会说:x k b 1 . c o m

a. i’m afraid of tigers .

b. i’m interesting in jungle life .

) 4、询问病人的第一句话是:

a. what’s the matter ?

b. what are you doing ?

) 5、qiaoqiao 对xiaoxiao 说他对**感兴趣。

a. i’m interesting in music.

b. he is interesting in math .新- 课-标-第- 一- 网


)1. my brother a. 10分钟。

)2. rest room b. 13美元。

)3. ten minutes c. 脱掉。

)4. call the police d. 篮球。

)5. take off e. 在中国。

)6. go to bed f. 我的哥哥。

)7. bus stop g. 叫警察。

)8. in china h. 公共汽车站。

)9. basketball i. **睡觉。

)10. thirteen dollars j. 休息室。


)1. let’s ask her __help.

a. to b. for c. and

)2. please take all your coinsw w w . x k b o m

a. off b. out c. down

) your left.

a. on b. in c. the exercise

)4. go __this street.

a. on b. down c. up

) do you likepears or oranges?

a. good b. better c. best

)6. my f**ouriteis van gogh.

a. arter b. art c. atist

)7ottawa in the west?

a. isn’t b. it c. does

)8. you should becareful.

a. most b. more c. much

) you are.

a. tall b. taller c. tallest

)10. h**e fun __the amusement park!

a. at b. on c. in


1. i’m twenty yearsold/ young)

2. he’s 155 cmtall / short)

3. qiaoqiao isto / too) short.

4. jim is thetaller /tallest)

5. i’mold / older) than you are.

6. welcomeaboard / board)

7. whatdo/ does) your mom look like?

8. i’m goodat / for ) singing. w w w .x k b o m

9. i livedin/ on) china.

10. my f**ouriteis michael jordan. (player/ play)


)1. shall we goes to the park

a b c )2. i’m afraid off tigers

ab c )3. jenny want to play with dogs

a b c )4. she’s interesting in history

a b c )5. he’s short than i am

a b c七、根据问句选择相应答语,并将正确选项写在题前括号中。(5分)

)1. what does your sister look like?

) 2. how tall are you?

) 3. how old are you ?

) 4. is he as tall as you?

) 5. where’s the restroom?

a. it’s over there. 新课标第一网。


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