
发布 2024-01-29 18:15:02 阅读 3008




一. 选择单词与**相匹配。(将单词序号填在对应的**下)(20分)

a. dancing b. stamp c. chopsticks d. turn right e. moon cake

f. cd-rom g. post card i. building j. bamboo


a. has got b. h**e got are is visiting

1some beautiful squares in puyang.

2a chinatown in new york .


4. shea book.

5. daming———american.

great wall.

三 、情景交际:根据情境从下面的方框中选择合适的句子完成对话,并将相应的句子序号写在题目中的横线上。(10分)

daming: look at this postcard . it’s a picture of the great wall .


daming: it’s about six thousand seven hundred kilometers .

simon: wow!

daming: tell me something about new york .

simon: it’s very big. it’s got eight million people .

daming:that is big .


daming: it’s got about fourteen million people .


daming:yes, i h**e .

simon: yes, i do. they are very great!


)'s your f**ourite festival? 's about 6700 kilometres.

( )long is the great wall? stamps.

( )s your hobbyc. lantern festival.

( )daming got a pet dog? ,i do.

( )you want to go to guilin ? he has.


)1. i want __american. a. to visit b. visit

) do we eat on mid-autumn festival? a. moon cakes

) you speak english ? a. yes, i do. i can.

) is __england. a. to b. from

)'ve got some stamps___china. b. for

) you got a knife and fork___chopsticks?

) thanksgiving day, we say“__for our food ,family and friends.

you b. you're welcome

) does it mean ? a. stop! b. go straight on!

) are we the library. (meet

) i write___you?

) you got american stamps? h**en't . i do.

) often read english books. do you? i don't . i h**e.

) you got a book___america? b. about

) postcards___great! a. is b. are

5、阅读短文判断正误(正确划√ 错误划x)(18分)

chinatown in new york is big and famous. there are lots of chinese speak chinese in chinatown. you can find chinese food there.

there are many chinese restaurants. people can watch tv programmes(节目) in chinese. you can buy and read news*****s in chinese.

people can listen to the radio in chinese, too. in chinatown, you may think you are in guangzhou or hong kong.

)1. there is a big chinatown in new york

)2. there are not lots of chinese people in chinatown

)3. we can go and eat chinese food in chinatown

)4. you can watch tv programmes in english in chinatown.

)5. there are news*****s in chinese in chinatown.

)6. people can listen to the radio in chinese, too.


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