
发布 2024-01-29 18:10:02 阅读 5546


一。 英汉互译单词。(答对十个满分)

1. 地址___2. 总是___3.另一个___4. 澳大利亚___

5. 竹子___6. 大楼___7. 加拿大___8. 筷子___

9. clean___10 .copy___11. fantastic___12. festival___

13. peace___14. show___


1. 到处___2. 借书卡___3. 成一条直线___

4. 月饼___5. 直着走___6. 向右拐___

7. be quiet___8. in the library___9. the un building___

10. take a photo___11. play with___12. in winter

13. don’t believe it14. come out of the box


1. knife(复数)__got(第三人称单数形式)__

3. swim (ing形式)__4. difficult(反义词。

5. hour(同音词6. photo(复数。

7. stop(过去式8. story(复数。

9. clean(第三人称单数形式10. two( 同音词。


)1. a australia b mexico c england d chinese

)2. a always b never c often d some

)3. a menb women c children d boy

)4. a show b starts c says d cleans

)5. a dancing b build c singd draw

五. 单项选择。

)1. there___a theatre in the picture.

a be b is c are

) 2. there __lots of factories here.

a be b is c are

)3. please stand __line.

a in b at c up

) you want___visit the un building in new york?

a to b for c at

)5. she sometimes___the blackboard.

a clean b cleans c to clean

)6. do you like___books?

a reading b read c reads

)7. do you often __with dolls?

a to play b playing c play

)8. you’re __your room now.

a to clean b cleaning c clean

)9. they___the sun.

love b love c loving

) 10. it___snakes can’t hear.

a say b says c saying


1. i, to, want, you, my, friends, be

2. don’t, i , it, believe

3. i, got ,h**e, chopsticks, some

4. elephants, do, like, water (

5. you, reading, like, stories, do (?


look at the map of the world. here is america. it’s also called the usa.

it’s a very big country. it’s the fourth largest country in the world. washington is the capital of it.

it’s in the east. new york is in the east, too. it’s the biggest city in america.

san francisco is a famous city. it’s in the west. there are lots of chinese people there.

people in america speak english.

) 1. america is also called the usa.

) 2. the usa is the fourth largest country in the world.

) 3. washington is the biggest city in america.

) 4. new york is in the east of america.

) 5. people speak chinese in san francisco.


以”my hobby”为题,写一篇小短文,不少于八句话。




三. 10x1分。







六年级英语 上 期末试题。一。英汉互译单词。答对十个满分 1.地址 2.总是 3.另一个 4.澳大利亚 5.竹子 6.大楼 7.加拿大 8.筷子 9.clean 10 copy 11.fantastic 13.peace 14.show 二 英汉互译短语。1.到处 2.借书卡 3.成一条直线 4.月...


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