
发布 2020-05-29 01:04:28 阅读 5528



听力部分(listening part)

一、听一听,辨一辩,选出正确答案,要仔细听哦 (listen and choose)

) peace b: peach c: pea d: peter

) love b: like eating c: drawing d: like painting

) want b: watch c: water d: wash

) at b: awake c: about d: asleep

) letter b: fun c: fan d: fat

二、听一听,填一填 (listen and fill in the gaps)

linda is a pupil in __she always __tv every evening. she often __shopping __sundays __her mum. she __plays football.

she __goes __in the summer. she __her room___day.

三、听录音,根据问句选择答句(listen and choose)

) it’s two years old. b: it’s ten metres tall. c: it’s half past ten

) he is tidying his room b: she is sleeping. c: i am writing.

) we h**e got some hamburgers. b: we don’t go to school.

c: they often go to the shop.

) he visited his aunt. b: she visited the un building.

c: we visited the summer palace.

) i like eating bananas. b: he likes playing chess.

c: they like jumping.

四、听录音,补全句子(listen and complete the sentences)

didn’t __any___

you wan to __the un building? yes, i __

snake isof the box.

to eat this___

we h**e our __now?no, you

基础知识运用(basic knowledge)

一、我是小小翻译家(read and translate)

1. 长城the great wall 2. come out of 从…出来。

3. 多于more than 4. one of the first countries 首批国家之一。

5. 促进和平make peace 6. thanksgiving day感恩节。

7. 数以百万的million of 8. the summer palace颐和园。

9. 用英语in english 10. the un building 联合国大厦。

二、词形变变变(read and write the words)

名词)teacher 2. awake(反义词)sleep

3. four(同音词)for 4. high(同义词)tall

5. driver(动词)drive 6. family(复数)families

7. saw(原形)see 8. let’s(完全形式)let us

9. do(否定形式)don’t 10. canada(国家的人)canadian

三、选择正确的答案,将序号填到前面的括号内(read and choose the right answer)

1people built the great wall.

a. thousand b. thousand of c. thousands of

2. (do youhere? a. living b. live c. lived

3are you going? i’m going to the park.

a. what b. where c. how

4. (christmas is __the 25th of december. a. in b. at c. on

5. (they eat___twelve hours a day! a. in b. for c. on

6. (ithe stamps into my album.

a. put b. puts c. putting

7. (a child sleeps __eight hours a night. a: for b: in c: on

8. (i didn’t bring___drinks. a: some b: any c: of

9. (this stamp is1988. a. from b. at c. to

10.( china __one of the first countries in the un.

a: am b: are c: is

四、找出句子中的错误并改错。(find and correct)

d) often do you go swim? go swimming

a b cd

b) father like playing football. likes

ab c d

c) stand on line. in

a b c d

c) is one of the country in the un. countries

a b c d

c) often plays football. play

a b c d

五、连词成句 (unscramble the sentences).

1. clean only drink water

2. way it’s drink to fun this

3. countries in un china the of one first the

4. play we messy can’t the in a room

5. festival, is, a, thanksgiving, important, very

阅读部分(reading part)

一、 找朋友,把答案序号写到前面的括号内 (read and match).

c) 1. who wants to be my pen pal? a. pleased to meet you, too.

a) 2. pleased to meet youb. i’m from canada.

e) 3. what can she doc. daming.

b) 4. where are you fromd. i want an english pen pal.

d) 5. what do you wante. she can play table tennis.

j) 6. how long is itf. i went to beijing.

f) did you go last sundayg. thanksgiving.

i) 8. h**e you got any stamps from china? i. yes, i h**e.

六年级英语期末测试题 一

六年 一 一 单词与短语部分。41分 a.看 选择正确的词组。3分 abc kick a shuttlecockh e a toothachetake pictures b.补全单词。10分 1.ti et 2.g m 3.f nd 4.h w 5.s d 6.pen k 8.t 9.l f 10....


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