
发布 2024-01-29 18:10:02 阅读 3217



)1. a. noonb. sunc. moon

( )ice-cream b. stream c. river

( )air-conditioner b. dictionary c. computer

) accountant b. writerc. computer

( )leftb. rightc. tonight


1. vapour2.土壤。

3云来自**does the cloud come __

4很高兴再次见到你to see you __

5.几天后你就可以见到嫩芽了you can see thea few days.

6.我要在校园种些花儿i am going to __some __in the school.

7.每天给它浇水,然后把它放在太阳底下it every dayput it in the sun.


)1. the rain___the comes from b. comes to c. comes out

( )put the seeds___the inb. onc. at

)3. you can wait __the plant to grow. a. forb. beforec. after

)4. the little water drops __together and become a cloud.

a. go upb. fall down c. feel warm

( )5. look! the sun has come___a. fromb. toc. out

) are twelvein a year .a. days b. months c. seasons

( )are __birds in the shy. little lot of

) days get shorter anda. shortb. shorterc. long

) is the __season. a. white b.

) flowers___the cherry trees are nice. a.

) they planting they do b. yes they are there are

( )12the weather today ?it's windy. 's 's

) weather is cold and b. snowy

) is theseason of the year.


1. some, first, put, a, in, pot, soil, you

2. come, the, where, boy, does, from

3. the, no, still, has, flowers, tree

4. does, your, how, go ,to ,mother, work

5. this, where, you, going, are, afternoon


a. what should you do then?. b. goodbye. c. how do you do that?

d. how are you? e. what are you going to do this afternoon?

sarahwu:i’m you?

sarah:i’m okwu:i am going to plant flower seeds in our garden.

sarahwu:it’s easy. first, put the seeds in the soil.

sarahwu: water them. in several days, you can see the sprout.

sarah: great. so i will come to see your sproutwu: bye.

六、阅读下面的一段话,判断句子正误。正确写t, 错误写f。(每题2分,共10分)

do you know how to plant an apple tree? let me tell you. first, put some soil in a pot.

then, put an apple seed in the soil. water the seed. put it in the sun.

when it is dry(干) again, water it. you can see the sprout in a few weeks. don’t forget to put it in the sun every day.

wait. you can see a big tree in a few months. when can it grow apples?

wait. it will take a long time.

) need some soil, a pot, some water and a seed to plant an apple tree.

) we put some soil in the pot.

) you are busy, you can put the sprout in your house.

) water the seed every day.

) tree will grow apples in a short time.


there are four seasons in a year .spring is the first weather___1_ warmer and warmer,and the days are __2__.there __3__green grass and beautiful

flowers everywhere .the animals come __4___from long sleep.

summer comes__5___sping .it is __6___season of the year .the weather is hot and sometimes rainy .

many people go to the beach and enjoy themselves

autumn is busy season .the days get shorter and the nights get longer the farmers are busy __7___children often help them __8___rice on the farm

winter is the white season .when it snows, evening is __9___the word is really beautiful. many children like __10__with snow .


六年级英语 上 期末试题。一。英汉互译单词。答对十个满分 1.地址 2.总是 3.另一个 4.澳大利亚 5.竹子 6.大楼 7.加拿大 8.筷子 9.clean 10 copy 11.fantastic 13.peace 14.show 二 英汉互译短语。1.到处 2.借书卡 3.成一条直线 4.月...


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2009 2010学年度第一学期复习质量检测。评分等级。听力部分。一 听录音,选出与你所听单词或短语相符的图画,并将相应的字母代号填入题前的括号内。每小题读两遍。太简单啦!二 本题有五幅图画,根据所听短语的先后,按 的顺序为本题的五幅图画标上序号。每个短语读两遍。你不会弄错的!三...