
发布 2024-02-14 07:20:11 阅读 3676



一、 写出下列单词的大写或小写形式并翻译。(8分)

二、 read and circle .圈出与所给单词划线部分发音不相同的单词。(10分)

near bear dear here

house mouth mouse cloud

boat 3. row goat board window

kite 4. bike little five dive

name 5. family cake take make


1、my mom is __cook) dinner in the kitchen.

2、amy likesswim),now she isswim)in the pool.

3、my father is a (drive),he often __drive) us to the village.

4、i (take) many pictures at the zoo yestoday.

5、i am (tall) and (he**y) than my deskmate.


1、my backpack is __than yours.

2、i climbed a mountain for 2 hours, now i am __

3、she has a headache,she feels___

4、i failed my chinses test, i am .

5、the ball hits his face,he is .

6、i ambecause i will take a trip to xi’an with my parents this summer holiday.


1. tom起床) at six thirty every day.

2. ten years later, i amto想做) a doctor.

3. howmike感觉) today?

4. iand唱歌跳舞) with my mother yesterday morning.

5. ben is very伤心的). because he failed his数学) test.

六、read and choose.选择正确的答案。(24分)

)1、--how he**y are you?

a、i’m 45kg. b、i’m 148m tall. c、i’m 150cm tall.

)2、it’s time to

a、english class b、h**e english class c、 h**ing english class

)3、--how did you go to beijing?

a、i went to the great wall. b、i went with my parents.

c、i went by train.

)4、--what’s her hobby?

- likes reading.

a、she b、hec、she

)5. the library is north __the school.

a. to b. of c. at d. in

)6、--what is amy doing now?

a、she cleaned my room. b、she is cleaning her room.

c、she cleans her room.

)7、--when is your birthday?

it’sa、october 10 b、october 10th c、october the 10th ( 8、how does your father go towork?

a、he go to work on foot. b、he goes to work by bus.

)9、--mike is 158cm, john is 150cm. john is than mike.

a、taller b、shorter c、thinner

) 10、i a boat on the west lake last holiday.

a、row b、rowing c、rowed

)11students are there in your class?--82.

a、how much b、how many c、how old

( )yellow bag is yours,that blue one is .

a、mine b、my c、my bag

七、 句型转换,每空一词。(10分)

went to beijing by plane.(对画线部分提问)

you to beijing?

are many apples in the basket .(变为一般疑问句)

apples in the basket?

is a tomato on the table. (变为复数句)

there some on the table.

tom like reading books?(作否定回答)

no5. .his mother is a nurse.(对划线部分提问)

his mother do?



a.let’s go skiing this weekend.

b.let’s go hiking this weekend.

c.let’s go ice-skating this weekend.


a.who’s that ,please?

b.who are you?

c.who are you looking for?


a.what’s this?

b.what colour is it?

c.what’s your name?


a.excuse me,where is the policeman office?

b.excuse me,where is the cinema?

c.excuse me,where is the post office?


a.i’m sorry. b.i’m sorry to hear that. c.thank you.


a.what’s this

b.what does it look like?

c.what time is it?


a.good luck

b.h**e a good trip!

c.keep in touch!


a.how are you

b.how are you feeling?

c.what’s the matter with you?


john was very happy last weekend. on saturday ,he went hiking with his parents. in the morning ,they went to a forest park by car.

there is a river in the park. his father and john went fishing in the river. in the afternoon, they read a funny story book together.

then they played chess. and john won! they went home at 4:

30. on sunday morning, john helped his mother do housework. in the afternoon, john and his mother went to the cinema and watched harry potter3.

it was great!


答题时间60分钟,满分100分 姓名 班别学号 成绩 一 一 默写出26个英文字母 大小写都写 13分 二 连线 分 bike火车。train自行车。on foot地铁。bus公共汽车。subway走路。car飞机 jeep汽车。plane吉普车。ship交通。traffic轮船。三 英语翻译成汉语...


2009 2010学年度第一学期复习质量检测。评分等级。听力部分。一 听录音,选出与你所听单词或短语相符的图画,并将相应的字母代号填入题前的括号内。每小题读两遍。太简单啦!二 本题有五幅图画,根据所听短语的先后,按 的顺序为本题的五幅图画标上序号。每个短语读两遍。你不会弄错的!三...


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