
发布 2024-02-14 07:20:11 阅读 4865


一、填入所缺的字母, 使其成为一个完整的单词并译成中文 (10分)

1at2. pen__ l

3. rul4. colo

5. g__ d


1. 踢足球2. no smoking

3. 看电视4. take pictures

5. 6:506. go fishing

7. 画画8. look around

9. 做游戏10. red packets


1.( 你想知道对方姓名,应说。

a.my name is han mel. b. what's your name? c. hello.

2.( 早上遇见刘老师,应说_

a.thank you,mr. li. b.how? c.good morning,mr. liu.

3.( 别人向你打招呼 hello!你应说_

a.what's your name? b.hello! c.thank you.

4.( 假如你叫林峰,当有人问你what's your name?时,你应回答___

a.i'm fine,too b.nice to meet von c.my name is lin feng.

5.( 见到客人站着,你应说,a.sit down.please. b.how are you? c.i'm fine,too.

6.( 下午与同学见面,你应说___

a.good afternoon. b.what's your name? c.how are you?

7.( 晚上分手时所用礼貌用语是:

a.hi! b.hello! c.good night!

8.( 当经介绍后认识某人,你应该说:

a. good morning. b. please sit down.

c. thank you. d. nice to meet you.

9.( 上课铃响了,教师走进教室,班长应该说:

a.please come in. b.good morning. c.stand up.

10.( 想知道对方的年龄,应怎样问?

a.how old are you? b.how are you? c.how do you do?


1.( the students __their homework every day.

now they __their homework.

a. do, do b. does, doing

c. doing, are doing d. do, are doing

2.( what' s wrong __your pencil-box?

a. about b. with c. for d. of

3. (did you help them clean their house?

a yes , i didn’t b no, i did c yes, i did d no, i don’t

4.( what are the students doing?”

some___books and others __at the blackboard.”

a. are looking, are reading b. are reading, are watching

c. are watching, are looking d. are reading, are looking

5.( can you help me with my english ?”

think. b. yes, i can.

c. i can't think so d. no, thanks

6.( the students are going to __trees on the hill.

a. playing to b. planting c. plant d. working

7.( i wantthe house. could youme?

a. clean; help b. to clean; help

c. to clean; to help d. cleaning; to help

8.( the children aretv now.

a. watching b. reading c. looking d. seeing

9.( my desk is about 112 cm

a. big b. longer c. long d. bigger

10.( where's my pencil-box? i __it.

a. am not seeing b. am not finding

c. can't find d. can't look at


1. like what it does look (?

2. on, holiday, what, you, did, your, do (?

3. shoes what are size your (?

4. by, can, you, there. train, get (.

5. summer, why, you, like, do (?


john: when is my birthday, mum?

mum: your birthday is in may.

john: and when is my father’s birthday?

mum: his birthday is in april.

john: and you, mum?

mum: my birthday is in june.

john: oh, dear! father is only one month older than me, and i am one month older than you, mum!

) 1、john’s birthday is in january.

)2、john’s father’s birthday is in april.

) 3、john’s mother’s birthday is in june.

) 4、john’s father is only one month older than john.

) 5、john is one month older than his mother.


some students are in han mei’s house. they are talking about many things. they are eating and drinking something.

han mei’s mother is cooking for them. it’s eleven o’clock. it’s lunch time.

they are eating. han mei says, “help yourselves.” jim likes eggs.

kate likes rice. lucy likes bread. lily doesn’t like bread.

she likes bananas. they are drinking ten bottles of orange. they are h**ing a very good time.

)1. who are in han mei’s house?

a. a student b. some students c. han mei d. jim, kate

)2. they are drinking ten

a. bottle of orange b. bottles of orange c. bottle of oranges d. bottles of oranges

)3is cooking for them.

a. han mei b. some students c. han mei’s mother d. han mei’s father

)4. lucy

a. likes rice b. likes eggs c. likes bananas d. likes bread

)5. when are they h**ing lunch

a. at six b. at seven c. at twelve d. at eleven


以my bedroom (我的卧室)为题按要求写一篇英语小作文。 要写出卧室内的主要物品;条理清楚,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范;不少于50个单词。


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