
发布 2024-02-14 07:15:11 阅读 3403



( )1. oranges do you want?

a. how much b. how many c. how long

) 2. what’s the london eye?

a. it’s a o’clock. b. it’s a big wheel. c. it’s an eye.

) 3. let’sthe bus.

a. get on b. gets on c. got on

) 4. -did lingling like the postcard

a. yes, she does. b. no, she didn’t. c. yes, she is.

( )5. -do you live in guilin

a. yes, i do b. yes, i am c. no, i didn’t

) 6do you go to school everyday?

---i go to school by bus.

a. how b. what c. when

) 7. she cooked __a fire.

a. or b. on c. to

) 8. he is __english teacher.

a. a b. one c. an

) 9. what did she h**e __dinner?

a. to b. eat c. for

) 10. he was a __

a. drive b. driver c. drived

) 11. mr. li is __english now.

a. learns b. learnt c. learning

) weren’t __buses.

a. some b. any c. one

) 13. i h**e two __in my pencil-box.

a. knife b. knifes c. knives

) 14. -i feel a bit hungry.

--why don’t you h**e __bread?

a. some b. any c. little

) 15. i usually do some cleaning and cooking __the weekend.

a. on b. in c. at


) 1.当别人送你礼物时,你应先说。

a. thank you. b. you’re welcome. c. what’s it?

) 2.当你想问别人问题时,你应先说。

a. hib. sorryc. excuse me.

) 3.当你看见别人不开心时,可以关切地问。

a. what’s the matter? b. who are you? c. what do you like?

) 4.当你迟到了,站在门口时,应说。

a. open the door, please. b. may i come in? c. i’m late.

) 5.当别人因不能帮你而表示歉意时,你应说。

a. i’m sorry, too. b. oh, how bad! c. thank you all the same.

) 6.当别人对你说happy new year时,你应说。

a. the same to you. b. you’re welcome. c. fine, thank you.

) 7.在商店里,服务员问你买什么时会说。

a. what do you buy? b. can i help you? c. h**e you got a pen?

) 8.你向别人介绍你的朋友大明,可以说。

a. this is my friend, daming. b. this is my friend. c. it’s he.

) 9.当有人建议去野餐时,如果你乐意应说。

a. that’s a good idea. b. great. c. oh, no.

) 10.当你在公共场合看到___时,你不能停车。

a. don’t stop b. no smoking c. no parking


) a chinese book.

a. is b. has c. h**e

) is ms li’s roomroom is clean.

a. he b. him c. his

) 3where’s the supermarket, please?

a. excuse me b. thank you c. sorry

) is a letteryour grandma.

a. in b. for c. to

( )wuxi two years ago.

a. living b. lives c. lived

( )6is your brother?

he is 20 years old.

a. what b. how old c. who

( )7. i like english. whatyou?

a. are b. about c. do

( )8. we often __games after class.

a. playing b. played c. play

( )9time does your first class begin?

at 8:00.

a. when b. which c. what

( )10. last summer holiday, i __to a party. it __fun.

a. went, is b. go, was. c. went, was



a. thank you. b. it is not good. c. yes.

)2.当别人向你说:how are you? 你应该说:__

a. i'm ten. b. fine, thank you. c. how are you?

)3.假如你是酒店服务员,该如何向顾客打招呼 ?

a. what do you want to eat? b. can i help you?

c. what do you like?


a. excuse me. b. i'm sorry. c. ok, my dear!


a. excuse me. b. i'm sorry. c. can you help me?

)6.当别人帮助你的时候, 你可以说。

a. how are you? b. thank you. c. that’s all right.


a. what's it? b. what’s the weather like today?

c. what a fine day today?


a. what’s your name? b. how are you?

c. how old are you?


a. what day is today? b. today is your birthday.

c. happy birthday to you.


a. what's this in english? b. is this a pen?

外研社 三起点 小学六年级下册英语试题

坊子区2012 2013学年度第二学期期末测试题。小学六年级英语 60分钟 亲爱的同学们,毕业的脚步越来越近,丰富多彩的小学生活即将过去,同学们准备好了吗?请你们拿起手中的笔,发挥聪明才智,充分的展示自己,相信你们一定会把诚信答满试卷!别忘了写一手漂亮的字,卷面书写规范 端正 整洁噢!good lu...


答题时间60分钟,满分100分 姓名 班别学号 成绩 一 一 默写出26个英文字母 大小写都写 13分 二 连线 分 bike火车。train自行车。on foot地铁。bus公共汽车。subway走路。car飞机 jeep汽车。plane吉普车。ship交通。traffic轮船。三 英语翻译成汉语...


2009 2010学年度第一学期复习质量检测。评分等级。听力部分。一 听录音,选出与你所听单词或短语相符的图画,并将相应的字母代号填入题前的括号内。每小题读两遍。太简单啦!二 本题有五幅图画,根据所听短语的先后,按 的顺序为本题的五幅图画标上序号。每个短语读两遍。你不会弄错的!三...