
发布 2024-01-29 18:10:02 阅读 6800


笔试部分。一、write the letters. (写出所缺字母的手写体大小写,并圈出五个元音字母。)

cc dd

hhmmrr tt

wwzz二、choose the different words (选出不同类的单词)

( )1. a. foot b. train

c. plane d. subway

( )2. officer

b. father c. pilot d. worker

( )3. a. angry c. happy d. wear

( )4. a. sing b. hiking c. fishing d. reading

( )5. a. teaches b. tomatoes c. watches d. reads

三.finish the words or phrases. (根据汉语提示,补全单词或者词组。)

s nger 歌唱家 w it 等go str ight 直行 h bby 爱好wr__ter作家 c mic book漫画书。

四、read and choose. (选出正确的答案,将选项填入括号中。)

) 1. —where does your pen pal live

a. no, he live in the country.

b. he live in the city.

c. he lives in jinan.

)2. turn right __the bank.

then look __me near the school gate.

a. at; for b. at; on c. on; for

) 3. are you going to take a

trip? -guangzhou.

) does she go to school?

works in beijing.

b. she goes to school at 7:30.

c. yes, she does.

)5. does he __in the city?

a. lives b. live c. living

) your hobby?

a. i like ****** kites.

b. she goes to work by bus.

c. next to the hospital.

)7.__are you going tomorrow? i’m going to school .

a. what b. when c. where

) 8. you can go .

a. by the 7 bus b. by the no.7 bus c. by no.7 bus

) 9. where are you goingweekend?

b. for c. by

) 10. my pen pal likes .

pictures a bike the violin

)11. please come to my __birthday party.

a. twelve b. twelfth c. twelveth

) 12. her mother is .

cleaner teacher artist

)13. she oftento work by bus.

a. going b. goes c. go

)14. turn left at the cinema, then___it’s on the left.

a. our school b. go straight c. green light

五、fill in the appropriate (填写适当的形式).

1. do, how, you, to, go, school (?连词成句)

2. excuse __i) ,where is the cinema.

3. i am a boy and you___a girl. (be )

4. how many __can you see? (goat)

5. cherry __live) in new zealand. she likes singing and __word __猜字谜),he’s father is a商人).

he __go) to work by___地铁) .he __work) at university. her mother is a工厂工人).

she likes __play) the violin. cherry has a __幸福的) family.

六、read and choose. (读一读,选一选。

) 1. where are you going this afternoon? a. it's next to the hospital.

) 2. what are you going to do? b. you can go by the no.15 bus.

) 3. when are you goingc. i'm going at 3 o'clock.

) 4. where is the post office, please? d. i'm going to the bookstore.

) 5. how can i get to zhongshan park? e. i'm going to buy a comic book.

七、complete the following questions (完成下列各题)


i’m going do my homework and clean my room this evening


where is the bookstore? go __

3. i’m going to the bookstore. (对划线部分提问)


4. i’m going to buy an english book tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)

___are __going tomorrow?

5. it is far from our school. (变否定句)

itfar from our school.

4. he goes to bed at ten o’clock. (变一般疑问句)

___he __to bed?

5. he cleans streets. (改为同义句)

he is a __

六、read the passage. (阅读短文。)

everyone in mr brown’s family is busy this weekend. mr brown is going to the bank in the morning. mrs brown is going to the shop by car.

their daughter ann is going to finish(完成)her homework. ann’s brother tom is going to play computer games. and then, they’re going to visit grandparents in the afternoon.

they’re going by subway because it’s far.

一) tick or cross. (判断对错,对的打√,错的打×。)

)1. everyone is busy on the weekend.

)2. mr brown is going to the library.

)3. ann is going to do her homework.

)4. they’re going to visit grandparents by bus.

二) answer the questions. (根据短文内容回答问题。)


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