
发布 2024-01-29 18:10:02 阅读 6778
















1. -did you read books?你读书了吗?

-- yes, i did.是的,我读过了。/ no, i didn't.不,我没有读过。

2. -is she quiet?她文静吗?

-- no, she isn't. she's very active.不,她不。她很活跃。

-- is she strict?她严格吗?

-- yes, she is, but she's very kind.是的,她是,但是她很和蔼。

3. -is this a teacher's desk?这是一张讲台桌吗?

/ is it cold?冷吗?/ is her birthday in june?

她的生日在六月吗?/ is this your t-shirt?这是你的t恤衫吗?

-- yes, it is.是的。/ no, it isn't. (no, it's not.)不,不是的。

4. -can you make the bed?你会铺床吗?/ can you use a computer?你会使用电脑吗?

-- yes, i can.是的,我会。/ no, i can't.不,我不会。

5. -are they ducks?它们是鸭子吗?/ are they eating the honey?它们吃蜂蜜吗?

-- yes, they are.是的,它们是。/ no, they aren't.不,它们不是。

6. -is there a forest in the park?公园里有一个森林吗?/ is there a river?那里有条河吗?

-- yes, there is.是的,那里有。/ no, there aren't.不,那里没有。

7. -are there any pandas in the mountains?山里有一些熊猫吗?

/ are there any fish in the rivers?河里有一些鱼吗?

-- yes, there are.是的,那里有。/ no, there aren't.不,那里没有。

8. -are you eating lunch?你(们)正在吃午餐吗?

-- yes, i am. (yes, we are.)是的,我正在吃。

(是的,我们正在吃。)/no, i am not. (no, we aren't.


9. -is he playing chess?他正在下棋吗?

-- yes, he is.是的,他是。/ no, he isn't.不,他没有。

10. -is she counting insects?她正在数昆虫吗?

-- yes, she is.是的,她是。/ no, she isn't.不,她没有。

11. -does she / he teach english?她(他)教英语吗?

-- yes, she / he does.是的,她(他)是。/ no, she / he doesn't.不,她(他)不是。


1. -what time is it?几点钟?

-- it's two o'clock.两点钟。/ it's 9: 45. it's time for math class.九点四十五。是上数学课的时间了。

2. -what day is it today?今天星期几?

-- it's wednesday.星期三。

3. -when do you eat dinner?你几点吃晚餐?

-- i eat dinner at 7: 00 in the evening.我晚上7点钟吃晚餐。

4. -when do you get up?你几点起床?

-- i usually get up at 12: 00 noon.我一般中午12点钟起床。

5. -when is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?

-- it's in may.在五月。/ my birthday is in june.

我的生日在六月。/ uncle bill's birthday is in june, too.比尔叔叔的生日也在六月。

6. -what's the date?几月几日?

-- june 9th.六月九日。


1. -what colour is it?什么颜色?2、i like……/i don’t like………

-- it's white.白色。


1. -where are you going this afternoon?下午你打算去哪?

-- i'm going to the bookstore.我打算去书店。

2. -where did you go on your holiday?假期你去了哪?

-- i went to xinjiang.我去了新疆。

3. -where does she work?她在哪工作?

-- she works in a hospital.她在医院工作。

4. -where does the rain come from?雨从哪来?

-- it comes from the clouds.它从云里来。

5. -where is the cinema, please?请问电影院在哪?

-- it's next to the hospital.在医院旁边。/ turn left at the cinema, then go straight.

it's on the left.在电影那左转,然后直走。它在你的左边。

6. there are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.那有两个卧室,一个厨房,一个卫生间和一个客厅。

there is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.那有一面镜子,一张床和一个大衣柜。

the closet is near the table.衣柜在桌子的附近。

many clothes are in the closet.很多的衣服在衣柜里。

the trash bin is behind the door.垃圾桶在门后。


1. -how much is it?这个多少钱?

-- it's ten yuan.十元。

2. -how much are they?它们多少钱?

-- they're three yuan.它们三元。


1. -how many horses are there?那有多少匹马?

-- twelve.十二匹。


1. -who's your english teacher?你的英语老师是谁?

-- mr carter.卡特先生。

2. -what's he like?他长什么样?

-- he's tall and strong.他又高又强壮。

3. how old are you?你几岁?

4、he/she likes(doesn’t like )…


1. -what's your f**ourite fruit?你最喜欢的水果是什么?

-- i like apples. they're sweet.我喜欢苹果。

它们很甜。/ i like fruit. but i don't like grapes.

they're sour.我喜欢水果。但我不喜欢葡萄。


2. -which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?

-- i like winter best.我最喜欢冬天。/ summer is good, but fall is my f**ourite season.


3. -why do you like summer?你为什么喜欢夏天?

-- because i can swim in the lake.因为我可以在湖里游泳。

-- why do you like winter?你为什么喜欢冬天?

-- because i can sleep a long time.因为我可以睡很长的时间。

4. -what's your hobby?你的爱好是什么?

-- i like collecting stamps.我喜欢收集邮票。/ he likes collecting stamps, too.他也喜欢收集邮票。


介绍。1. this is my computer.这是我的电脑。that is your computer.那是你的电脑。


红山区教研与培训中心阎姝丹。为了保证各校六年级复习工作的顺利 高效地开展,帮助学生掌握学习方法与复习技巧,特做如下复习建议与试题说明 一 复习范围与建议 结合 英语新课程标准 2011版 对小学六年级学生应该达到的二级目标要求及教材的知识编排,规定如下复习范围 1 字母与语音部分。掌握26个字母的音...


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亲爱小朋友们,今天为你准备了小学六年级英语下册期末试题,相信大家一定能够努力做 开动脑筋,做出满意的答卷。加油啊!一 找反义词或对应词。5分 1.hot a.father 2.mother b.boy 3.winter c.cold 4.girl d.dear 5.cheap e.summer 二 ...