
发布 2024-01-29 18:10:02 阅读 7425





9. clean___10 .copy___11. fantastic___

13. peace___14. show___二.英汉互译短语。



向右拐___7. be quiet___8. in the library___9.

the unbuilding___

10. take a photo___11. play with___12. in winter___

13. don’t believe it14. come out of thebox


1. knife(复数)__got(第三人称单数形式)__3. swim (ing形式)__4.

difficult(反义词5. hour(同音词6. photo(复数7.

stop(过去式8. story(复数。

9. clean(第三人称单数形式10. two(同音词四.从下列单词中找出不同于其它三个的单词。

)1. a australia b mexico c england d chinese

)2. a always b never c often d some( )3. a menb women c children d boy( )4.

a show b starts c says d cleans( )5. a dancing b build c singd draw五.单项选择。

)1. there___a theatre in the picture.

a be b is c are

) 2. there __lots of factories here.

a be b is c are

)3. please stand __in b at c up

) you want___visit the un building in new york?

a to b for c at

)5. she sometimes___the clean b cleans c to clean( )6. do you like___books?

a reading b read c reads( )7. do you often __with dolls?a to play b playing c play( )8.

you’re __your room to clean b cleaning c clean( )9. they___the sun.aloveblove c loving( )10.

it___snakes can’t hear.

a say b says c saying六.连词成句。

1. i, to, want, you, my, friends, be

2. don’t, i , it, believe

3. i, got ,h**e, chopsticks, some4. elephants, do, like, water5.

you, reading, like, stories, do

七.阅读理解。根据短文内容判断所给句子正(t)误(f).look at the map of the world.

here is america. it’s alsocalled the usa. it’s a very big country.

it’s the fourthlargest country in the world. washington is the capitalof it. it’s in the east.

new york is in the east, too. it’sthe biggest city in america. san francisco is a famous in the west.

there are lots of chinese people in america speak english.

) 1. america is also called the usa.

) 2. the usa is the fourth largest country in theworld.

) 3. washington is the biggest city in america4. new york is in the east of america5.

people speak chinese in san francisco.八.小作文。

以”my hobby”为题,写一篇小短文,不少于八句话。



亲爱小朋友们,今天为你准备了小学六年级英语下册期末试题,相信大家一定能够努力做 开动脑筋,做出满意的答卷。加油啊!一 找反义词或对应词。5分 1.hot a.father 2.mother b.boy 3.winter c.cold 4.girl d.dear 5.cheap e.summer 二 ...


以下内容由市教科院提供 小学英语六年级要求 整体结构是 1.60分是课本的,32分是中档题,8分是难度题。2.题型注重衔接,但是要符合小学生心理。3.听力30分,和初中接近,大部分内容为书上的听力。4.此考试为毕业考,考试范围3 6年级,重点在六年级。5.难度系数为0.70 0.75。6.考试版面六...


安丘市职工子弟学校。一。英汉互译单词。答对十个满分 1.地址 2.总是 3.另一个 4.澳大利亚 5.竹子 6.大楼 7.加拿大 8.筷子 9.clean 10 copy 11.fantastic 12.festival 13.peace 14.show 二 英汉互译短语。1.到处 2.借书卡 3....