
发布 2020-05-28 18:12:28 阅读 9676

六、根据所给的音标词填写单词,使句子意思完整:(5分)(r~dj1. what do you usually do ontju:

zdi]. nblg1z2. would you like a __botl] of milk .

rz3. what’s your father’s __dзob]? g4.

my mother iskukiη] w

5. do you play basketballfter_] school . lcpbt9


) 1, a. riverb . eatc .

worryd . stay i&m( )2, a. pearb .

applec . flowerd . banana #;wx( )3, a.

breadb . milkc . tabled .

egg cz"1mn( )4, a. oneb . twoc .

firstd . four pg( )5, a. tellb .

sayc . cookd . father s}n@( 6, a.

thirdb . ninthc . eightd .

twelfth z八、按要求改写下列单词:(8分)fz

1. they___宾格)2. country复数)3.

close现在分词)ajkp~4. two___序数词)5. japan形容词)6.

i __名词性物主代词)p=x=9

7. ***** __复数)8. swim现在分词)z$九、选择正确答案,并把答案的编号写在相应的括号内:

(15分)4( )1). classes begin __seven fifty -five . o

a. inb. onc. atd. for j f?( 2). they often helpg&m

a. ib. minec. myd. me p,a( )3). i want __a map of china . ptsg

a. buyb. is buyingc. to buyd. am buying \(4). is it a picture __your school?x$

a. ofb. toc. andd. with xnj( )5). do you likezu9s^s

a. swimb. swimmingc.

are swimmingd. swim, too ~}6). the man __a stick (手杖)is my grandpa .

a. andb. ofc.

withd. for lp`w( )7). who’s the lady __blue ?

ci+=q,a. inb. onc.

atd. with l&x( )8). we usually stay __home __saturday afternoon .

hh(fa. at…inb. at…onc.

in…atd. on…on i( )9). a:

it’s a white shirt , is it yours ? b: no, _is yellow .

9%n`za. ib. myc.

mined. me @ijd( )10any men in the room ? l^xt%

a. is thereb. are aren’td. there isn’t 0( )11). the bed __the right is yours . z>

a. onb. inc. atd. of q^( 12). look at __picture . bd

a. oneb. the onec. firstd. the first .>p^p( )13). these books are myk0bpq

a. studentsb. students’sc.

students’d. students of !>s[( 14).

my parents often tell me __china . w1yi

a. aboutb. fromc. ford. by )^0f-m( )15any food in the fridge?1o3e

a. are thereb. is therec.

h**ed. has _s`十、按要求改写句子,每条横线只填一个单词:(8分)ckjtyk1.

the children like the ball .(改为一般疑问句)[

___the childrenthe ball ? h

2. are these your pens ?(重写句子,使意思与原句基本相同)^mare thesep

3. please put the clothes here .(改为否定句) [

___put the clothes herebtz=54. they get up at six thirty .(就划线部分提问) vwna@whatthey get up ?



1. the, read, in, don't, sun, please3x`2. sisters, brothers, you, any, or, got, h**en`3.

black, all, like, i, at, don’tk&s)|4. can, do, i, for, what, youbgm

mary: what __you usually do __sunday ?d5gs


lily: i usually stay at home and do __reading. sometimes i do my homework or clean thehouse with my mother.

what __you? y

mary: i don’t often stay at home. sometimes i go __the park___my sister.

sometimes i___basketball with my friends. 'dk'e


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