
发布 2024-01-30 12:15:01 阅读 1115



一、 选择题。

a. 找出每组单词中与其他三个不同的一项。

) 1. a. doorbell b. trumpet c. violin

) 2. a. chinese b. russia c. american

) 3. a. space b. plane c. train

) 4. a. taikonaut b. father c. policeman

( )5. a. flew b. became c. spend


) do you __eat? i __some chicken and rice.

a. want/ want to b. wants/want to c. want to/ want

)7. helen keller wrote a book about___

a. she b. herself c. he

) 8. they’re playing football, _it’s raining.

a. and b. but c. also

) 9. we can write letters __chinese.

a. in b. on

) wearing a dress because i’m going to __

a. go swimming b. went to theatre c. plays basketball

)11. why __you got cups on your head?

a. has b. h**e c. do

)12. it’s easy __make mistakes __english.

a. for, with b. to, with c. to, in


2.宇宙飞船___3. blind and deaf worry___

汉堡6. 字母___

7. 太空混乱,脏乱___

10. 模范practice___11. noisy___12. 练习。

13. 中学___14. worry15.小号___


复数2. shine(现在分词。

3. drink(过去式序数词) _

5. wear(同音词。


) are you going to study? a. i’m going to go to beijing.

) did the dog sit under the tree? b. because it didn’t want to be a hot dog.

) are you going to go to school? c. i’m going to study french.

) 4. am i going to h**e a birthday party? d. walk to school.

) are you going to go this summer? e. yes, you are.


1. 今年九月我们将要上中学。

we’re going to go to middle school this __

2. 发生什么事了?(怎么了?)你为什么笑?

what’s thewhy are you

3. 她既看不见也听不见。

she couldn’t___and she couldn’t___


1. in ,born ,was , america , 1880 , helen keller, in (.

2. eat. are, going , when, we, to

3. china’s , space , man , yang liwei ,in, was ,first (.


a farmer can’t read or write. one day he asks a man to write a letter for him. he wants to post the letter to his uncle who lives in a town, not far from here.

“i can’t write you a letter,” says the man. “because i h**e a bad leg”.

“sir,” says the farmer. “i know it, but i can’t see what a bad leg has to do with writing a letter.”

“it has much to do.” says the man. “because i can’t walk far and read the letter for your uncle.

”“what do you mean( 意思),sir?” asks the farmer. “his son can read it to him.

why do you need to read it to him?”

“don’t you understand?” answers the man. “only i can read what i write.”

)1, the farmer can read and write a letter.

)2, the man has a bad leg and he can’t walk too far.

)3, the man can read and write very well.

)4, the farmer’s uncle lives in a town near the farmer’s home.

)5, the man can’t read what he writes.

b.dick is seven years old. he is polite(有礼貌).

so his friends and his parents like him very much.

it is saturday today. dick is at home. he is watching tv and his sister is doing her homework.

at ten, his father comes back with some apples. dick likes apples very much and wants to eat one. his mother asks, “which apple do you want, dick?

”the biggest one, mum.”

what?” says his mother. “you should be polite and want the smallest one.”

should i tell a lie(说谎) just to be polite, mum?”

( )1. is dick polite?

a. yes, he is. b. no, he isn’t. c. he is polite.

) 2. how many people are there in dick’s family?

a. three. b. fourc. five.

) 3. what is dick doing?

a. he is doing the homework. b. he is at home. c. he is watching tv.

) 4. when dose his father come back?

a. at seven. b. at ninec. at ten.

) 5. which apple does dick like?

a. the smallest one. b. the red one. c. the biggest one.



要求:1. 语义连贯,句子通顺,表达清楚,注意动词的正确形式。

2. 要注意大小写和标点符号。


亲爱小朋友们,今天为你准备了小学六年级英语下册期末试题,相信大家一定能够努力做 开动脑筋,做出满意的答卷。加油啊!一 找反义词或对应词。5分 1.hot a.father 2.mother b.boy 3.winter c.cold 4.girl d.dear 5.cheap e.summer 二 ...


2009 2010学年度第二学期。小学六年级期末文化素质检测英语试题。listening part 听力部分 50分钟 一 listen and choose 听音,选出你听到的单词或词组。每小题读两遍。共10分 1 a.lightb.lamb 2.a swamb.swims c.swimming ...


笔试部分。一 按要求写词语 10分。one 序数词 longer 反义词 thin 比较级 tooth 复数 i 同音词 swim 现在分词 h e 第三人称单数 read 过去式 buy 过去式 doesn t 完全形式 二 选择 15分。1.what amy last weekend a.did...