
发布 2024-01-30 16:00:03 阅读 4123



listening part 听力部分(50分钟)

一、 listen and choose(听音, 选出你听到的单词或词组。每小题读两遍。共10分)

)1、a. lightb. lamb

)2. a swamb. swims c. swimming

( )3. rain c. rainy

) 4 . a. walk b. week c. works

) 5. a. turn right b. turn left c. go straight

) 6. c.

) 7. a. i h**e 50 books. b. i h**e 15 books.

c. i h**e 13 books.

) last weekend b. next weekend c. this weekend

) 9、a. playing basketballb. playing chess

c. playing computer games

) 10、a. it’s sunday. b. it’s sunny. c. it’s saturday.

二、 listen and numbe(听录音, 选择正确的**。每小题读两遍。共10分)

三.listen and number. (听录音, 排序。每小题读两遍。共10分)

四、listen and answer( 为下列问句选择合适的答语。每小题读两遍。共10分)

) 1. a . i feel bored. b. my nose hurts. c. i like swimming.

) 2. a. i do my homework at home. b. i go to the park.

c. i watched tv at home.

) 3. a. i am going to go fishing. b. i want to be a policeman.

c. i am going to be sad.

) 4. a. he is forty years old. b. he is sixty kg. c. he is 172cm.

) 5. a. it’s far from hereb. it’s east of the bookstore.

c. you can go on foot

五、listen and fill(根据录音内容填写单词, 使短文完整,短文读两遍。共10分)

summeris coming. all of my friends are sothey are planning how to spend their holiday. sarah is going to a boat.

she is going to hangzhou by bus. amy is a quiet girl. she doesn’t like sports.

she likes to visit herthey are going to shanghai by planeare you going to do?

六、 listen and judge(听一段短文 ,判断对√错×。对话读两遍。10分)

) 1. today is sunday .

) 2. the students are in the nature park.

) 3. john is catching butterflies.

) 4. liu yun is h**ing a picnic with amy.

) 5. they are very happy.

writing part 笔试部分。

七.read and choose读一读,找出不同类的词。(10分)

八. fill in the blanks(根据汉语和首字母提示完成句子。10分)

1. i am going to be an画家) in the future.

2. last week, sarah went to kunming with her family. she


i v my grandparents and吃)noodles.

4. what did mike do yesterday? he (读)a magazine .

5. where is the post office? it’s to(与…相邻) the电影院).

is my friend. she likes集邮) 。

九. read and choose(读一读,选一选。10分)

)1. i’m than you. a. strong b. tall c. stronger

)2. what is he doing? he is___

a. watching insects b. watch insects c. watches insects

)3. i failed the math test. i feel __

a. sad b .happy c. excited

)4. students are there in your class?

a. how manyb. how muchc. how

)5. he often___his room. a. cleans b. cleaned c. cleaning

)6. yesterday liu yun___a mountain with her parents.

a.climbed b. climb c. climbing

)7. mike is 13 years old. i’m 12 years old. so i’m __than him.

a. he**ier b. thinner c. younger

)8. he went to yunnan and he __pictures.

)9. he likesa. ****** kites b. makes kites c. made kites

)10. sarah’s hair is short. my hair is ,too.

a. short b. shorter c. shortest

十。 rearrange the sentences.(连词成句10分)


pep小学英语六年级下册期末试题。听力部分 50 一 听录音,选择你听到的单词 短语或它们的汉语意思。10 1.a.younger b.stronger c.longer d.thinner 2.a.牙疼 b.头疼 c.喉咙疼 d.感冒。3.a.skiing b.skating c.sick d.s...


2018年春季期期末教学质量检测六年级。英语模拟试卷。学校 桥圩镇杨村小学出题人 谢春喜。listening part听力部分 40分 一 选一选 听录音,选出你听到的单词,将其标号填写在括号内。每小题读两遍。每小题1分,共10分 二 排一排 听句子,请你根据录音内容的顺序,给下列 标上1 5的序号...

小学英语 PEP 六年级下册期末测试题 二

听力部分略。笔试部分 60分 一 单词变变变。10分 1 go 过去式2 thin 比较级。3 behind 反义词4 h e 单三 5 those 单数6 visit 过去式。7 let s 完整形式8 he y 比较级 9 swim ing 形式10 do not 缩写形式 二 我的兄弟在 请找...